Basic IDE: a toolbar named "FormControls"

Basic IDE, menu View ⟶ Toolbars
the menu items reads “FormControls”. It invokes an inactive toolbar.

Why it is inactive? Could this be a relic of the past, kept for a reason?

“FormControls” looks unusual compared to “Form Controls” used in other LO components.


It becomes active with a dialog. Sorry, no. This “Form Controls” toolbar is displaced, I think. The toolbar that is relevant for a Basic dialog is named “Toolbox”

Thank you for the self-amendment. :wink:

It appearead in the Basic IDE in version 3, probably around 3.5.
Should I file a bug report or “enjoy” the status quo?

I’m not sure. May be, it means something in a context I don’t know yet.

I have the Form Controls toolbar active when editing dialogs that are in the document.
For example, we can use Linked cell for CheckBox from Form Controls.

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It’s a spreadsheet-only feature.
EDIT: and it’s a mysterious one. The linked cell property is not stored permanently in the control model, so the whole feature is obsolete.
EDIT2: I think, I finally got it after all:
test_dialog.ods (18.4 KB)


Thank you very much, @sokol92 and @Villeroy for the explanation.
In the light of it, I believe my original post seems to support (extended) Hanlon’s Razor.