Bug: сross-references do not work when exporting *.odt to *.pdf under certain conditions

If the cross-reference text is only 1 character, for example when referring to numbered paragraphs with numbers less than 10, then after exporting to PDF format, such links are not active. The experiment is easy to repeat: сreate a document with the numbered list 1…10, the link to the 10th item in the list will work, but not to items 1…9!

test.odt (15.7 KB)
test.pdf (35.2 KB)

This is indeed a bug in the PDF export filter. Submit a report on TDF Bugzilla.

Meanwhile, as a workaround, add a space after the period in the "After Separator* of your list style or Format>Bullets & Numbering. In the latter case, you must select the target list before doing the change to update list application (because Format>Bullets & Numbering is a messy tentative implementation of a “simple” user convenience for something badly defined in Word).

The space will be nearly invisible. If you have no use for the period, you can as well remove it. And to keep a symmetric look in your cross-references, add one space as Before Separator.

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Created tdf#160381 on TDF Bugzilla. I’ll use your workaround, thanks. But a numbered list example is one way to show the bug. Cross-references can be to anything, and if there is only 1 character, the link will not be active.

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