I’m trying to extract data from a pivot table where there is a grouped Date field (grouped by Months) in the column heading row. When I write the formula by hand I get a #REF! error. This file was imported from Excel where the GETPIVOTDATA was working…and the current file remains in .ods format after importing from .xlsx.
The hand written formula returns #REF!.
FYI k$3 contains “Mar” (i.e. March).
The imported formulas report Err:508.
=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA(“Amount”,$B$7,“Date”,AK$8,“Category”,TableBudget2#this row,category,“Years”,2021),0)
FYI, AK$8 contains “Mar”
Can anyone please help me correct these formulas? I’ve tried lots of variations without success.
Also, in Excel there is an option to “Generate GETPIVOTDATA()” formulas. Does something like this exist in LO Calc?
Thank You,