Calc adds 2 extra zeros when formating numbers to percentage

Linux using
I have a column of numbers that I’m trying to place a percentage sign after each number.
When I do, there are two added zeros inserted after each number (not after a decimal point).

I originally copied/pasted the numbers into the column so I opened a new sheet and typed in a few numbers and got the same result when formatting to percentage.

It must be something simple? But I can’t figure it out.

Please upload your .ods type sample file here.

ODS sample sheet.ods (10.1 KB)

As you (hopefully?) know, the Value 56 expressed as percent is 5600% sofar calc is correct.
If you want to express 56% you should enter exactly »56%« into the cell for implizit Formatting, or otherwise enter »0.56« into a cell (preformattet or postformatted as %.
or otherwise »0.56« before you format the cell or »56« after %-formatting.

Uh, no I don’t/didn’t know that (and really don’t understand how 56 expressed as percent = 5600.00%). I assumed I could format a column of over 200 numbers to percentages by using the percentage format option.

of course you can…but first you need copy 100 from some Cell and paste special (ctrl shift v) into selected Cellrange and choose [x]divide

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Sorry. Crosposted with @karolus.

50% of 4 is 2, the same that 4 × 0.5. So 50% and 0.5 works similar.

As a workaround for your 200 numbers:
– Apply the percentage format
– Write 100 in a cell
– Copy the value 100 (yes, to the clipboard)
– Paste Special Ctrl+Shift+Vand choose [x] Divide

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…but you with screenshot, and teaches me new syntax: <kbd :+1:

Excellent!! :grinning:

Thank you all for the replies, much appreciated!!!

0.56 is the same value as 56%. It’s just another notation of the same.
100 * 0.56 = 56
100 * 56% = 56
100 * 56 = 5600
100 * 5600% = 5600


x% is only common notation for x/100 … so 56/100 == 56% and 56 == 5600/100 == 5600%

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