Calc freezes when copying a cell

Calc just started freezing immediately after copying a cell. Happens using [right click] as well as [Ctrl-C]. Copy/paste works fine in Write and Present. Laptop cooling fan kicks into high speed. Task Manager shows LibreOffice CPU slowly ramping up to steady state of +40% and memory slowly increases at a rate of 9 MB/s (i.e. new/blank sheet starts off at 77MB RAM and increases to 3GB after 3.5mins and continues increasing indefinitely). Can successfully close LibreOffice via Task Manager.

Unable to open a new LibreOffice instance until I close the previous instance.

Updating to latest ver didn’t help.

Does it work ok in safe mode, click *Help - Restart in safe mode - Continue in safe mode?

Your user profile might be corrupted, see https://wiki.documentfoundation.org

I prefer the manual method. Close all LibreOffice programs, rename the user folder and start LibreOffice. LibreOffice will create a new user folder. You can copy back almost all the contents of the the sub folders after closing LibreOffice again


Thank you for the quick response. Same issue when opened in Safe Mode. I also manually renamed User to allow LibreOffice to create a new User, but still same issue with s/w lockup and RAM memory usage increasing by ~20MB per sec. Even reverted back to previous ver 7.3 with no change.

Appreciate any other ideas you may have. Had been working fine prior.


I assume from reference to task manager that you are on Windows. There are often updates to Windows and the computer should be restarted after updates. Have you clicked Start menu - Restart?

Are you using a clipboard manager?

If you have restarted and aren’t using a clipboard manager then try Control Panel - programs and Features find LibreOffice in the list, right click it and select Repair

Yes, I’m on Windows 11. My Win is up to date and have already restarted multiple times today.

Just tried the Repair procedure under Programs and Features and still same effect of Office freezing and RAM incrementally getting larger.

Any other ideas?


Again, Copy [and Paste] works in the other LibreOffice apps as well as in other Win apps like browser and email.

I just installed OpenOffice and it’s version of Calc Copy and Paste just fine. I also tried installing the x86 version of LibreOffice and still same problem. Cut also behaves the same as Copy with the increasing use of RAM every sec.

If it does it in Safe Mode and is not fixed by Repair then restart then I would consider looking at other recent changes to your computer.

There is one setting related to only Calc but it doesn’t seem to fit the symptoms. See the info about OpenCL in First steps to take before submitting a bug - The Document Foundation Wiki

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This happens also in a new worksheet? Just try to copy an empty cell.

You have not answered the following question.

I’m not using a Clipboard manager, but did notice that Microsoft installed/updated ClipChamp video editor recently. I never used it though.

So with OpenOffice, copying/pasting works for a few minutes, but then it too locks up after copying. LibreOffice consistently locks up with the very first copy. CPU goes up to 40% just like LibreOffice, but unlike LibreOffice, memory doesn’t continuously increment over time.

Then you must submit a bug report, see How to Report Bugs in LibreOffice - The Document Foundation Wiki.

Issue with Copy causing Calc to freeze has been resolved!.. All I did to fix was just update JRE. A noticed came out a week ago about needing to update JRE which I ignored. Not sure why that would cause this issue, but I verified I still had the issue, then updated and rebooted computer and now issues is no more. Been working stably for hours!

Appreciate you reaching out to help me, EarnestAl !

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I found a reason/solution not mentioned. I didn’t know that I was using a clipboard manager, but Windows 11 added one. I just updated from Windows 10 to 11. Running LO on an x86_64. Then my problems began. As soon as I am able I am planning migration to Linux, for good!

Anyhow, in Windows 11, use the “Search” (next to the new “Start” button centered on the Taskbar. Enter “clipboard”. Click on “Clipboard Settings”. That will take you to “System>Clipboard”. The one that made a difference for me was turning “Suggested Actions”: OFF. You may as well CLEAR the clipboard while you are in there. Strangely, the “Clipboard History” (and with it, “multi-clip” functionality) didn’t seem to make a difference.

Just hope this helps someone out there. Best of luck. Daniel, the barefoot.suncatcher.


Tturning “Suggested Actions”: OFF fixed it for me! Thank you.

Disabling “Suggested Actions” is what fixed it for me as well! This started for me with v25.

Turning off “Suggested Actions” fixed it for me! Than you so much.