OS Mojave 10.14.6, LO V.
Am having some issues when referencing cells in another document: the values referenced show up just fine for some references, yet in others they don’t show up at all and I’m not sure why; have checked the formatting for all cells in question (which is identical), and have checked the formulae which also appear to be in order…
Attached are some examples (examples are defined by YELLOW and ORANGE cell background colours; yellow defines three separate examples of individual cell reference behaviour, and orange defines 1 example of range reference behaviour) illustrating the problem.
The cells containing the data being referenced are in “Strange behaviour when referencing cells in another spreadsheet.ods”, and the cells containing the formulae referencing said data are in “Number sets.ods”.
As you’ll see from the documents, only B3 in “Number sets” document returns the value it should- all others don’t return the referenced values… why?
removed links for privacy reasons, pls. see comment and provide new samples,
[/edit - newbie-02]