Calc - Macro to Create Named range

Need to open multiple named ranges. I would like to select the range, run macro and user to give it a ‘name’. Named ranges for use later. On current sheet.
Have searched but not finding, surprisingly, a answer, or maybe I am asking wrong thing.

A macro that can not be found, needs to be written. Go ahead.

It may also be that experienced users capable of writing useful macros didn’t write a macro somebody searched for because they (correctly) judged that it wouldn’t be useful.
IMO we have a wonderful example of such a case here.
Having selected a CellRange and hitting Alt+SNDS (may differ depending on the UI language) will open a professionally optimized dialog for the task of defining named ranges in an interactive mode. It even checks the intended name while typing goes on for syntactical (forbidden characters e.g.) and semantical (name already used) errors. The only additional action of the user would be to selected a scope if the default (Document, global) isn’t wanted.
The additional options can simply be ignored.

If somebody thinks to need a macro for the unattended creation of named ranges there may be a (very special) reeasonable use-case. He (f/m) should then start studying the API documentation for NamedRanges and NamedRange services.

why not simply ⇒ Sheet ⇒ Named Ranges ⇒ create

107226.ods (13.0 KB)
Normalized tables make things easier.



Some terms (header row, anchor cell) are strange or misleading, but concerning the way the name to assign should be determined, there is an explicit contradiction.
... or maybe I am asking wrong thing.
Still my preferred option.
However, using predefined names for the ranges makes a bit more sense than relying on user input.
You may play with this code:

Sub defineSelectionAsNamedRangeWithCurrentSheetAsScopeAndSpecificCellContentAsName()
calcDoc       = ThisComponent
currSel       = calcDoc.CurrentSelection
If NOT currSel.supportsService("") Then 
 MsgBox("Only a single (rectangular) range can be named.")
 Exit Sub
sheet         = currSel.Spreadsheet
refCell       = currSel.getCellByPosition(0, 0)
preferredName = refCell.String
namedThings   = sheet.NamedRanges REM The collection may not only contain ranges.
If namedThings.hasByName(preferredName) Then
 MsgBox("An already assigned name can't be used a second time.")
 Exit Sub
On Local Error Goto fail
namedThings.addNewByName(preferredName, currSel.AbsoluteName, refCell.CellAddress, 0)
Goto done
MsgBox("Chosen name " & preferredName & " is not accepted.")
End Sub

Look this example:

Sub add_named_range_from_selection()

	selection = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Selection
	ra = selection.RangeAddress
	range_name = selection.SpreadSheet.getCellByPosition(ra.StartColumn, ra.StartRow-1).String
	named_ranges = ThisComponent.NamedRanges
	If named_ranges.hasByName(range_name) Then
		Exit Sub
	End If
	ca = selection.getCellByPosition(0, 0).CellAddress
	named_ranges.addNewByName(range_name, selection.AbsoluteName, ca, 0)
End Sub

Thanks guys. Have tried the link from elmau. Get an exclamation mark with a ref ‘Box403’ ( which is the cell A3 from another sheet !
In the macro should I be able to select a range with cursor, then run the code. At moment I get message above. Selection is done by cursor only and selection range is not listed in code as it is now.
Charlie (M-80) my age = too old!!

If I understood.
Do you want to name the currently selected range?
If so…
How do you determine the name you want for the range?

Hi elmau

The ‘name’ would be from header row in the anchor cell. Top Left of the range. The range will include the header row. Thankyou

I’m so lazy. Please attach a file with an example and help you with the code.

Hi elmau
Example attached using the macro suggested. Some notes on sheet.

NamedLists2.ods (14.9 KB)

Look my first answer.

Thanks for your code. Tried it and get:

line reading: named_ranges.addNewByName(range_name, selection.AbsoluteName, ca, 0)

Message as per att.


What needed to correct.

The error is clear, you are using an invalid name for the range.

Hi elmau
Thanks for comments. Invalid name? In the top left header column/row to be used as ‘name’.
The name I have uses letter to start, and no underline, just a number., should this be ok? or do I need all three types in the name? Tried some different combinations but all have the same message as before.
Apologies for not underestanding. As I said old age!

Thanks elmau

This codes works great. Love it. I am going to play around and add dynamic rows . Learning curve. Will let you know if successful or not!

There is a Python Name Ranges Example over on Live LibreOffice Python UNO Examples.

Thanks vib.

Will look at it.


To get rid of my dreams concerning a possibly realistic use-case for automatic range naming, I created an example containing enhanced code:
automaticallyNamingRangesAsPrescribed.ods (18.4 KB)
I will not write a manual.