Calc will not display any negative currency values or negative numbers in red.

Libre Office Version,
Build ID: 6.1.0-2
Running Manjaro Linux 64bit

I’ve already searched this and other forums but none of them corrects my error. I have gone as far as uninstalling LO from this computer and reinstalling with no fix. I should add that I dual boot Windows 7 and the same file opens fine on Win7 with the same (windows) version of LO. I have a small 32bit netbook with PointLinux running the same version of LO 32bit and copied the file over via a memory stick and the negative values show red.

I should add that I can’t change any cell value whether number or currency to anything other than black. The only time I can get a cell to show a different colour is by manually changing the font colour and have the cursor flashing in the formula bar. However, as soon as I press enter the cell reverts to black. I realise this question has been posted many times but as I said I cannot get it working on Manjaro. I am sure it did work fine on Manjaro as I only noticed the problem a week or two ago. As a last resort, I will reformat and reinstall as a test. I do have backups so that’s an option further down the road. As already said this same exact file works fine on two other operating systems, Windows 7 64bit and Point Linux 32bit. I would really appreciate some help, while I know its not a major problem it is becoming an annoyance beyond belief.

I opened a new workbook just to see, and have the same behaviour. All cell values whether number or currency will only show as black. One last thing CTRL + Shift + F9 does not work. Please note this is not just a negative number issue. NO cell value will stay any colour other than black except when the cursor bar is in the formula bar at the top but as soon as I press enter the value reverts to black. One sheet is attached but the whole workbook 5 sheets are the same, as are new workbooks.

Rent Sheet to upload.ods

Sounds like a problem of the Manjaro distribution. If you try the release built by TDF from Download LibreOffice | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft and that works then it’s certain. Note that you can install versions in parallel if you follow these instructions.