Using the Writer program, I am trying to create a logo or letterhead in a big font with all caps, and closely below that line I want a slogan in a small font. I know how to reduce the line spacing above each line with Format → Paragraph → etc., but that still leaves a wide space under the line with the big font. I want to have my second line where the underline of the first line would be. Is there a way to do this?
As an example, I might have the first line contain the word “PICKLES”, in all caps, bold, and italicized, and in size 60 (pitch?) letters. Under that, I want a line that says “Superheros of the Cucumber Family” in size 9 (pitch?) letters. The large font leaves so much room below the characters for underlines and descending lower case letters that the second line does not appear to be part of the logo. That is where the second line needs to go.
Thanks very much!