Can someone help me learn how to create all combinations in the pic, there should be 64 sentences. thank you


It does not matter if you pay more attention at school. :wink:
You can do it, if you strain your brain. I wish you success.

Ok, while I support @Hrbrgr’s comment, seeing there’s already a solution posted, I’ll re-post this formula to be put into D1 and drag-copied to D64:

=TEXTJOIN(" ";0;OFFSET($A$1;MOD(QUOTIENT(ROW()-1;4^0);4);0);OFFSET($A$1;MOD(QUOTIENT(ROW()-1;4^1);4);1);OFFSET($A$1;MOD(QUOTIENT(ROW()-1;4^2);4);2))

Next homework for students: Explain in detail, how this solution works :wink:



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