I am using Ubuntu12.04 and have updated to Libreoffice 4.2.04 but still can find no way of accessing the font colour menu.
previously there was a an extra set of icons on the right hand edge of the page but there is nothing like that now.
How can I add a font colour menu? There are pull-down menus for border, background and highlight colours.
I hope that in Unbutu it works the same way as in Windows.
I would try to add the icon to the toolbar I want to have it on.
Steps needed:
View > Toolbars > Customize > select the toolbar you want to have the icon attached to > Add > Category: Format, Command: Font color > Add > OK
Or right click on the text > Character > Font Effect > select the color needed > OK
Yes, Ubuntu 12.04 and LibreOffice on my system works in the same way. I have Font Colour, Highlighting and Background colour on the right hand side.
You have got the Toolbar displayed have you? The Font Colours are usually on the Formatting Toolbar. View > Toolbar > Formatting… Peter