Can't Open Libre For Abt a Week or 2

Hello. As the title says I’ve been having this problem for abt a week or 2. I mainly only use writer and I can’t open my files. The Libre Office loading splash screen pops up and finishes but then nothing opens.

Some additional information.

  • Seemly happened out of nowhere.
  • I was running an older version when this started happening. I thought maybe I should upgrade to fix the issue and it did not help
  • uninstalling and reinstalling did not help
  • I tired running in safe mode and it does open

Platform and versions

  • Windows 11
  • LibreOffice d3abf4aee5fd705e4a92bba33a32f40bc4e56f49

Then the user profile is the culprit.
Backup your old profile (in case you need something like dictionaries, autocorrect, macros from your old settings,),
then start with a fresh profile.

That is typical for problems in the profile, as it (usually) is not touched by updates. This way your own settings survive the updates.

For a GUI version of @vsfoote fix, see step 1 of Version 25.2.03 will not work on my Win 10 Home. - #4 by EarnestAl

Hello, I start want to make this comment to say thank you to both @Wanderer and @vsfoote for responding.

I haven’t had the time to try out your suggestions stuff out yet but will soon, and I will update here when I do.

That likely is a hang up in the graphics testing.

Go to your LibreOffice user profile, %APPDATA%/LibreOffice/4 normally on Windows, and find the file “registrymodifications.xcu”

Open it in notepad, or an XML editor (not Word, Wordpad etc.)

If not already present, add these two stanzas somewhere near the top but below the <oor:items stanza:

<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Common/VCL"><prop oor:name="ForceSkiaRaster" oor:op="fuse"><value>true</value></prop></item>

<item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Common/VCL"><prop oor:name="UseSkia" oor:op="fuse"><value>true</value></prop></item>

That will toggle your graphics to use Skia in software mode for raster framing instead of Vulkan hardware acceleration.

Alternatively you set both values “UseSkia” and “ForceSkiaRaster” to false. Doing that turns off use of the Skia lib based graphics, and it will enable legacy Windows GDI+ graphics. Maybe not as performant, but of use with graphics processors that have marginal Skia lib support.

If that gets you working, you might check if there are driver updates for your graphics processor. Update and then retest the “UseSkia” true with “ForceSkiaRaster” false–that config would use the hardware accelerated ‘Vulkan’ rendering, know as ‘Metal’ on macOS.

The testing for Vulkan rendering has caused similar issues for folks for some time. Think Mike K is looking at it. For now give that registry edit a try…