Need to find a clean way to change a remainder value of time, from decimal to minutes. ie 0.25 should be 0.25/60 = 15 mins. if I format the result cell C1 , best I can come up with is a fraction with a format code 0.00/60
The following formula I am using gives the duration or time difference between 2 dates and times. I can’t seem to seperate my exponent to the left of the decimal from the trig on the right of the decimal point? should be basic. Don’t want macros.
Cells A1 = 28/04/2016 , B1 = 06:15
A2 = 29/04/2016 , B2 = 12:25
C1= =SUM((A2+B2)-(A1+A2))*24
C1 looks like 30.10/60 with my format code.
So , any ideas how I can remove the /60 part for a clean number. I’d ideally like 40hrs 15Min as a result. If the exp and trig can be seperated,I can do that bit. Thanks for any help.