I’m using Impress to display shows of artwork and photographs on both Windows and Linux systems. This is working great for me, esp for vertical aspect artwork where Impress allows me to display more than one image on a normal 16:9 screen.
However, after about 100 or so slides in a show, editing the show becomes cumbersome due to long save times and difficulty of organizing that many slides. For longer shows, say 200-500 or more slides, chaining a number of smaller slide shows together would be a better solution than putting this many slides in a single show. Having some external list or script of shows would be better than some means to chain shows together since this would making building lists of different shows easier. Having one or more “master” shows or scripts that link to a series of slide shows, one after the other would be ideal.
So. Is there a way within Impress, or LibreOffice, or in Windows and Linux batch language to do such scripting?