Change apostrophes to speech quotes

Hi, my novel (300+ pages) has a mixture of aposrophes (’ '), curly quotes (‘ ’). I don’t know how this happened, but I’d like to convert the aposrophes to curly quotes. Is there a way to do this other than manually? I’m using v (x64) on a PC. Thanks.

The following regex seems to work. Please test carefully with the [Find All] button. It does not match the single apostrophes in ain’t or doesn’t.
It matches a word boundary, followed by one or more alpha-numeric characters and a word boundary enclosed in apostrophes. It does not match ‘many words’ in apostrophes.
Replacing these matches with ‘$1’ writes a left curly, followed by the matched characters in round braces and a right curly.


Hi Villeroy,
Many thanks for this. Is this Regex? I tried it in ‘Find and Replace’ and it didn’t work (red block in the search panel).

A bit related question:

Thank you, LeroyG. I’ll check it.

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