Change page colour - margin remains white


I want to change the page colour to black when I write cause this white is destroying my eyes. So I just found how to do it via the Page Layout / Page Settings / Colour. However, when I do change the colour to black, it only covers the area where text will be written - the margin around the page remains white. Why is that and how can I make everything black, the entire page?

That being said, what do you guys think of making an easy-on-the-eyes reading/writing option where everything turns black with one click, but will remain white when the page is printed? How can we get this idea to the development team?

FYI, I’m using LibreOffice 5 on SuSE with the experimental MS Office-like ribbon view (looks much better, however it’s harder to find help online this way and I don’t know how to get back the standard view (nor do I want to do it - hopefully this will become the default look in the application one day!)

What you have done is, I assume (since it doesn’t exactly match my “menubar” language) is a print setting. With the menubar (or right-click on page), it would be Format > Page... > Area [tab] > Colour > [choose colour], and that gives the printing area that background colour. So that only applies to the area inside the printing margins, like this example using blue:


This page will print out with a blue background and white margins.

What you want to use for screen reading/editing (and which leaves the printing of the page unaffected) is the programme options. Go to Tools > Options... > [toggle] LibreOffice > Application Colours > General - Document Background - [choose colour]. (I don’t know what the “path” for this will be in your ribbon layout, but it is the “program options” you want.)


Setting the background to black then has this effect:


I’ve included some text in that screenshot so you can see that the text colour is automatically adjusted for your new “document background”. The page will print with black text on white paper.

You can customize other application colours in the same way, if that is easier on your eyes. :wink:

Bonus - to alternate between the “menubar” and “ribbon” interfaces, go to: View > Toolbar > [Default|Notebookbar].

Out of curiosity - if I really wanted to print the page in black, with the margin including, where would that be in the menu?

  • You can color the entire page if you reduce the margins to 0 (zero - you will have to confirm because of print out)
  • then set the background/area to a specific color
  • and then set the borders’ padding to - say - 2 cm
  • borders’ color should be the same as the background color


You may spread a bitmap all over the entire page (anchored to page) and gain the same effect. But it’s not as stable as the above mentioned method.

The best way for your demand is using colored paper… :wink: … Not for black but slightly colored backgrounds. It is difficult to print white color (professional printers/printing machines can do).

Sounds very smart! Just tried it out and it works, thanks!

Out of curiosity - if I really wanted to print the page in black, with the margin including, where would that be in the menu?

I have a few extra questions already:

As I said I’m using the notebook bar, which is so much neater and easier to use than the standard layout (which is IMHO a huge mess!) However, in M$ Office there’s an option to hide this ribbon by double-clicking on the category (e.g. File, Home, Insert etc.) Here this seems to be lacking and the ribbon is constantly there and takes space. Can it be hidden somehow or can the feature be implemented?

Also, when is the notebook view going to become official, rather than “experimental”?

Now a few colour questions regarding LibreOffice on Windows:

I just installed LibreOffice 6 on my Windows 7 too, however in this OS I don’t have a pre-defined dark look as on KDE, and the app starts all white and (IMO :)) ugly. So I went to the menu searching for options to make it black and found such under Personalisation, clicked on Pre-Installed Theme / Select Theme, then checked them all - and whenever I select a dark theme, the only thing that turns black is the line behind the menu (the one with File/Home/Insert/Page Layout etc.) The background behind the document (I mean outside of the actual document - which I turned black again according to David’s instructions) and the ribbon remain white. Why, and how to make everything I see on my screen dark, as I have it on my SuSE and in M$ Office on Windows?

The last question is not so important, but I will take the occasion to put it here:

In M$ Word when I type an asterisk followed by the Space key, it automatically creates bullets (it also happens with some other symbols, but the round ones I use most often) - is there a way to have the same in Libre?

About your Bonus answer, David - there’s no “Toolbar” category under “View” when the notebook bar is applied.

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This part is on the same topic:

I just installed LibreOffice 6 on my Windows 7 too, however in this OS I don’t have a pre-defined dark look as on KDE, and the app starts all white and (IMO :)) ugly. So I went to the menu searching for options to make it black and found such under Personalisation, clicked on Pre-Installed Theme / Select Theme, then checked them all - and whenever I select a dark theme, the only thing that turns black is the line behind the menu (the one with File/Home/Insert/…

…/Page Layout etc.) The background behind the document (I mean outside of the actual document - which I turned black again according to David’s instructions) and the ribbon remain white. Why, and how to make everything I see on my screen dark, as I have it on my SuSE and in M$ Office on Windows?


View → Sidebar → Click Page → Expand Format → Margins = None