Change relative text size?

Hi all. I have a text document containing multiple different text sizes.

I want to reduce the size of all text in the document, but retain the size difference between the different- sized text i.e all text is smaller, but the ratio between text sizes remains unaffected.
E.g if there is text sizes 8 & 10 in the document and I change all text size down 1 size, the text should now be size 7 & 9 respectively.

How can I achieve this?


I agree with @ajlittoz that using Styles pays off in the end. It’s a good way to set up your documents, especially if they are to be published in some format or maintained and added to over time. Once styles are assigned to each paragraph and heading, you can update everything by updating the connected styles (just like CSS in web design, very cool). If you are writing a long, organized document like a book, this step is ESSENTIAL.

However, here’s another way of going about relative increase/decrease of font sizes. There are relative size increase and decrease buttons available. They are typically not enabled/showing by default. Here’s how to show them:

Go to the menus: ToolsCustomize...

Here’s an image with 1 2 3 instruction once you are in the Customize dialog.

Probably best would be to define header sizes in terms of relative size (say, 115%) from the start… then changing the base size (which could be Default Style size) would automatically do the job.

Good suggestion, unfortunately I cannot do that in this particular document as I have copy/pasted the text from another document, thus all the text is “regular text”. Therefore, changing header sizes wouldn’t change anything.
When I referred to “headings” in my comment I meant text that is larger than surrounding text, but not technically “header” text.

Also, for the record, how do I define header relative sizes?

You just enter “115%” to font size in style settings.

Where is “Style Settings”? Is there a different term for it on mac maybe?
Have searched the net, help section, headers section, preferences section, but can’t find the place to adjust the font size ratio percentage as you suggested. I know I’ve seen it before…

I have a macro, based on someone else’s work from this or another forum, but I regret I’ve lost the reference, which changes the size of all selected text by +/- 1 point. In my setup, one keystroke calls the macro for +1 point, another for -1 pt. Doesn’t work in tables or text boxes. If it is of interest, I can post it here.

So sorry for delay. I’ve attached a blank writer document with the macros. I have customised Ctrl-] and Ctrl-[ to call the macros FontUp and FontDown respectively (which are simple calls to the working macro FontUpDown). But however you call these two macros the font size of the highlighted text will be increased or decreased by 1 point.

Couple of limitations … It does not work in tables, textboxes or other abstruse constructions! (Although it does work around them.) It does not handle trailing blank lines.

Further edit:
I’ve just located the original reference:


Please do. Thanks.

The best way to do that is authoring your document by attributing styles to the various paragraphs. Afterwards, you only need to play with style definition.

In the worst case, the outcome of your copy/paste is plain “unstyled” text. You put the cursor in a paragraph and double-click on the desired style in the Styles & Formatting panel (F11).

If your text already has styles attached, you may be better off erasing added “direct formatting” (one which has been added manually) because it overrides what you do with styles and hides their changes, which is frustrating.

Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+].