Change the Calc cells background color with values from a chart

I wonder if… Is there a way to change the LibreOffice Calc cells background color using the values from other cells in the spreadsheet as red, green and blue values?

I mean… Let’s say we have cells with numeric values from 0 to 255 and we want to change the background color of those cells according to the showed values.

Of course, we can do it manually with the “Format Cells” menu, but… I’m talking about something automatic, with some kind of function and/or equation with the cells values.

Is there some function to this? Is it possible? How?

With the help of @Hrbrgr, I got the automatic background color of the cells. Now the cells have the equivalent color of each RGB color (column A=Red, column B=Green, column C=Blue).

But… As you can see in the attached file, I didn’t get the final combinated color in the column D cells.

How can I get the background color of each cell of the column D has the RGB combination color, in an automatic way (not through the manual menu)? ???

Colores visibles combinaciones RGB.ods

Do you mean something like that?:

How to apply a Color Scale Conditional Formatting

And here is a description to download.

Thanks a lot for your data @Hrbrgr!!!

@JotaPe, I wish you success!

I couldn’t open the web page you wrote (maybe some local Internet problem, I don’t know). But… I think LibreOffice should have, IN the cell background customized color panel menu, the option to use values FROM the spreadsheet itself. This will give us a lot of new possibilities to customize our works. BTW… I have a question… In that menu, there is a box which shows the RGB color combination as hexadecimal value (two digits per color). How could we use that hex value out of that menu? ???