Changing multiplication table defaults?

My daughter uses the math tables to work in school but when doing multiplication they carry the numbers at the top and not at the side. Is it possible to change the default? If so, how?

Let me explain more, we are using Libreoffice in French. When she opens the maths option, I want to put the boxes and carry dash boxes on the form so all she has to do is click. up in the options there is a little button with ±x. When I open that I can type in the problem and click the green check mark to validate. All is ok in the addition and subtraction as the carrying is above. However, when I do this and create a multiplication table the dashed carry boxes are on the right side. How can I chance that to have them above the main problem?

Please edit your question to better explain what you are trying to do. Math is a formula editor to format “nicely” equations and the like. It has no defaults, even more about carries.

You may eventually be asking on the wrong Q&A site. LibreOffice is an office suite containing a document processor, a formula editor, a spreadsheet app, a presentation utility, a drwing program and a database front-end access.

In case your case is finally related to LO, don’t forget to mention your OS name and LO version.

Please do not use Add Answer but edit your original question to enhance the details of your question (answers are reserved for solutions to a problem on this Q&A site).

Probably the teacher of your daughter has some fun with the attached.
Of course, it’s likely that he (f/m) knows the trick played there…
However, it also was a bit of fun for me to teach a spreadsheet to do a schematic multiplication the way schoolchildren are teached to do it. This without any “macro”. (But somehow faked.)
Needs LibreOffice V 6.2 or higher.
Sorry. The first attachment contained an unrelated “macro”. This error is now fixed.

Edit your question to attach the file. Since it is an educational file, there is surely nothing confidential in it. Use the paperclip tool when you’re editing.

While you’re at it, retag to replace math (the formula editor) by calc (the spreadsheet component). Type Enter twice to exit retag mode.

Don’t forget to provide the requested information: OS name and LO version.