Chart type:stock

Please see attached file

Having a difficult time creating a stock chart that will include volume, and also include a second Y axis to show additional data as a horizontal chart

would someone be able to upload file and help me create the desired chart.

thank you in advance for any help provided.

Chart 04-15-2021.ods

L11:L18 data

Would like to display as a secondary Y axis. Purpose my trading volume (example on chart for reference only)

04-16-2021 Whats the trick to get the Stock chart to act/look correctly after correcting X axis with the dates.

Plus how would I remove the Volume numbers on the Y axis and replace with

L11:L18 data

Showing two charts: left chart with Dates, right chart without dates.
(left chart) Why does the stock chart data not automatically adjust itself, how to fix.
I’ve read the chart manual before posting.

New upload:
Chart 04-16-2021.ods

not able to upload .pdf file (LO Chartsandgraphs)

where would I find additional references to creating Charts and Graphs

I have edited and am sharing your sample file with reordered data columns and chart.

I don’t understand the purpose of L11:L18 data. Please, click edit below your question to add more information.


Made with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

Add Answer is reserved for solutions.

Thank you for the upload,

L11:L18 data
Would like to display as a secondary Y axis. Purpose my trading volume (example on chart for reference only)

You can edit the Y-axis on left chart to change minimum to 360, and interval to 10.

Use menu Insert - Shape to add lines/rectangles over the chart to show what to you want with L11:L18 data, and share a screenshot. To share, click edit below your question and use the paper clip.