Conditional Formating Based on Cell Range In External Workbook

I have two workbooks, Book1 and Book2. Book1 contains a single column of values from A2:A50 that is essentially an inventory list. In Book2 I have certain cells that I want to apply Conditional Formatting to so it will take whatever is typed into it and check the range in Book1, and change the font color if it is found. For example:

In Book2, sheet1, cell C2 I type in ‘Alpha’, I want it to go to Book1, sheet1 and check the cells in A1:A50 to see if Alpha is present. If so, change the text in Book2, sheet1, C2 to green. If it is not present, leave the text alone.

I know how to make the font change, its the first part I am having trouble with. I have been searching for an answer but either I am not using the right search terms or what but everything I am finding is either not relevant or not working.

Both workbooks are in the same folder so would I be able to use a relative link or does it need to be absolute? Also, when the condition runs does Book1 need to be open or does it matter? Any help would be much appreciated!

LibreOffice Calc

target.ods (19.5 KB)

That got it, thanks! I see what I was doing wrong by not adding the $ for the cell references on the external workbook, plus I had the ISNUMBER wrong. It’s working perfectly now. Thanks again!