Conditional formatting for multiple criteria - can I avoid exponential complexity?

Let’s say I have several criteria that I want to apply to each cell in a range. I’d like each individual criterion to apply a different aspect of formatting to a cell that meets it.

The criteria are independent (i.e. a given cell can meet none, some or all of the conditions). The aspects of formatting are mutually compatible (for example, “bold”, “underlined” and “font colour” are all logically compatible with each other: a cell can be bold independent of whether it’s underlined etc.)

In my toy example, attached, I have three criteria conditions, each with an associated aspect of formatting. Numbers should be bold if they are multiples of 2, underlined if they are multiples of 3, and red of they are multiples of 5.

So for example, 30 should be bold, underlined and red.

I can achieve this as in the attached using conditional formatting using 7 conditions (i.e. 2^N-1 conditions, where N is the number of criteria). But that gets exponentially bigger as the number of criteria increases.

Are there any tricks I can use to achieve this using just N conditions?
conditional_formatting_question.ods (8.8 KB)

No way! CF works in the order[1] of Conditions, first true Condition wins!

[1] except the special-CFs ColorScale ; Databars and Symbols they can be combined into one Cell_Range.