Convert cell reference to cell contents

I have a column of cell (X) that contains the page names of a website. Also the is another column that contains hyperlinks currently defined as:
=HYPERLINK(“” & $X#,“JumpLink”)

X3 contains the text value “pagename”.

Since column X is only used to create the link, how can I replace the $X3 with “pagename” so I don’t need the X column permanently in the sheet?

Maybe there is an easier way, meanwhile…

Use two text formatted columns along with the column X:

  • Column W: =HYPERLINK("
  • Column Y: ";"JumpLink")

Add the next formula in a new column:

  • Column Z: =CONCATENATE(W3;X3;Y3)

Copy column Z, and paste as unformatted text (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+V), could be on the same column Z.

Now you can delete content in columns W, X, Y.

See sample file.

Tested with LibreOffice (x86); OS: Windows 6.1.

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The hyperlink command copies as text, not clickable link, even in your sample file. (waltp)

Not in my case:

And URL Recognition is unchecked.

Interesting. I like this idea. I would guess in the concatenate statement W3 and Y3 could be straight text. I’ll try that out.

Sorry, no go. The hyperlink command copies as text, not clickable link, even in your sample file.

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Having pasted an URI (looking like a link) as plain text, you would need to do any (minimal) editing to the cell content like appending a space and removing it again, and to confirm the editing by Enter. This would cause Calc to “recognize” the content as a link, and to convert it to its working version.
Technically: Calc would automatically create a .textfield.URL object and set its properties as needed.
Note: This will only work if the AutoCorrect option URL Recognition is enabled.

@waltp: If the topic is essential to you, I see two options:
-1- You accept what you have, and let column X as it is. There isn’t any rationale in “as few columns as possible”. To the contrary keeping of the original data and using additional columns, sheets, whatever, for special purposes is the state of the art.
-2- If there are unknown reasons establishing an exception for you, you will need to study programming for LibreOffice (API usage), and to write user code for your very special task.

Out of intersest I made an example based on -2- without an intention to post it.
Since you still seem to insist, I changed my mind and attach the example now:
Sorry: Obviously attachments aren’t currently accepted here. I therefore post a link to an external site:
Please note that I will not work any longer on the topic.