Creat a ODT file with a National geographic look

Dear All,
I hope you can help me. I am trying to create a multi-page document where the first page looks like the National Geographic cover; the yellow border with a globe on top. I have access to either v5 or v6 (LibreOffice)

  1. I created a A4 size file in GIMP with the yellow border and the globe.
  2. In Writer I created a new document and added the GIMP file in Format > Page > Area > BitMap. SO far so good…

The problem: to have the yellow border along the edge of the paper, the Page Margins need to be: 0,0,0,0. But when I add text to the page, the text is also starting at:0,0,0,0. It needs to be in the white central area.

I tried using a Text Box (icon T on the toolbar) but was not very successful.

Are there any other solutions? Or am I doing something wrong with the text box?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Personal Holiday - template v2.odt

Great! Beautifully made. Thank you very much!!!

Show the file.

Done. Didn’t notice I could do that.

Done what? Once again: show us the file.

OK. This time it worked. Did something wrong the previous turn. File added.

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I’d avoid tinkering with text boxes in such a case. I have:

  1. Extracted the picture from your file.

  2. Pasted it into a new document, to the very first paragraph.

  3. Set Anchor → To page, Wrap → In background, Arrange → Send to back in the image properties context menu.

Now, I can easily type in and set the page margins as I need.

See the sample file: fbl.odt