I did indeed try to figure this out on my own, until my brain exploded. I just can’t get it to work.
The goal
1. A title
1.1 A sub-chapter
1.2 Another sub-chapter
2. Another main chapter
What did i manage to do?
1. A title
2. A sub-chapter
3. Another sub-chapter
4. Another main chapter
I tried everything i could possibly think of, editing the structure of the TOC entries, editing the styles, assigning indents, and so forth. The numbering just doesn’t work out and the indents also don’t.
Finally, i don’t understand how an Index Entry works. I add it, but all i get is a gray field that i cannot write anything into. I can name the chapter, and it appears in the Table of Contents, but how do i even make the application aware of what index entries represent sub-chapters and which don’t? How do i get it to automatically print the name of the chapter to where the index entry is? Because right now, i have to write them by hand, and that makes little sense – as i am sure it’s not how it’s intended to be.
Rest assured i went through the help files, i also researched online. To no avail.
Can someone please enlighten me?
Thank you!