There are various ways to achieve your goal but as @mikekaganski pointed out, your specification is not rigorous.
You must play with the fact that character styles are not captured by the field engine.
As usual, a header is built with field insertions to display the current chapter heading and its numbering. El primer capitulo may either be the chapter name itself or the “decorated” chapter number corresponding to “1” (with El and capitulo being strings added to the formatted number).
In the header you can separately insert the chapter name and its number.
The chapter name can contain visible and invisible words if you apply a character style with attribute Hidden (Font Effects
tab) over them. The hidden words won’t show up in the chapter heading not in the TOC but are present in the chapter name field and will be displayed in the header.
The case of the number is a bit more difficult because you can’t apply manually a character style (because you can’t select the number by itself). In Tools
>Chapter Numbering
, you can define a Character style to be applied to the number but the hidden attribute is ineffective here. Any other attribute is respected, but this one no. This means the number will always be visible in chapter heading, page header and TOC.
Depending on your goal, you may try various combinations of these possibilities.