When you update your TOC, the whole document is scanned to collect th Heading n paragraphs and the TOC is rebuilt with this collected data. Consequently, any previous addition to the TOC is wiped out.
Consequently, if you want to keep your annotations, they must be part of the collected data. Here is a suggestion.
Write you annotation in the Heading n paragraph, right after what is the “official” heading. You need then to make this annotation invisible. For that, create a character style with the following property:
- in the
tab, give it Name "Annotation* (or any name meaningful for you)
- in the
Font Effects
tab, select Font color the same as the page background, usually white
Style all your annotations with this style. They become invisible.
When Heading n are scanned, only text is retained, all styling is removed; thus, the annotation is “promoted” to the same status as the real heading.
To edit your annotations, temporarily modify the Font color in the style. The annotations become visible again. When done, reset the Font color to the background.
Note 1: this trick is incompatible as is with a Heading n background color and needs adaptation in this case.
Note 2: I noticed that the structure of your TOC is E#
without separator between the fields. Either enter a space in the text box between them or add a T
tab field. This will avoid your manual TOC editing to separate the entry number from the heading.
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