Digital Signature -- No certificates found


I’m using windows 10, and my org is trying to switch off Adobe/Microsoft and go to LibreOffice. The one thing that’s holding us back is signing PDFs. I have a self-signed certificate, a certificate from CAcert, and an OpenSSL certificate. I’ve installed them using Microsoft Management Console, but LibreOffice can’t seem to find them.
In Tools > Security I’ve tried entering the path (C:\Windows\System32\certmgr.msc) for the Certificate Manager, but no matter what I do it doesn’t recognize any kind of certificate when I try to digitally sign.

Anybody have any ideas?

Did you try their wiki:
There is also a thread “here”, but as there were some changes in Thunderbird, I don’t know, if the hint on using it to import certificates are still valid:

It is essentially broken currently for some people:

