Disappearing floating toolbar

I’m using Libreoffice on MacOS 14.6.1 on two screens - the screen for my laptop and a separate portrait oriented screen. I am finding that periodically the Formatting toolbar (which I use as a floating palette) disappears. It is still checked in View>Toolbars> but it is not showing. If I use the Mac’s Mission Control utility I can see that the toolbar palette is open and ‘visible’, but in a location which is below the lowest point of either of the screens I am using. I have no idea what is causing this as it is clearly not possible for me to have moved the palette there myself.

I can fix it using the fix in this post: Toolbar disappears when viewed on second screen - #5 by practica, and identifying the anomalous value (it is not, in the issue I am describing, a negative number that is the issue, but a too-large number for the vertical position of the toolbar palette). Is anyone else experiencing this, or does anyone know what i causing it? I don’t think I have enough information (a reliable recipe) to post it as a bug.

Since you are using two monitors, just like me, I suspect it has something to do with LibreOffice somehow adding the dimensions of the screens together (or subtracting, in the case of a negative number. I notice, for example, that LibreOffice is not intelligent with respect to which screen it was closed on. It always opens on my main screen, which is not where I want it. So I have to move the window over to the other screen, and then move the floating toolbar as well. My second screen is a 4k monitor ( turned into portrait mode: 2160x3840. My first screen is an Apple Cinema display, 1920x1200. If they are not intelligently tracking the screen coordinates “per screen” then it’s not hard to figure out how the numbers written to the XCU file could get really wonky.

It probably complicates things further, if a second document is opened, or a third one, on the other screen. I’m always worried when I open more than one document at a time, as there is some kind of memory sharing going on that can do weird things. I often use pictures embedded as background images in the Page Style for my book covers. I’ve had the picture from one book get saved into another book, when both were open at the same time! So who knows what is going on for tracking coordinates of toolbars, when two documents are open, and then closed.