Documents open in another program

I recently updated my MacBook air to monterey. Now my libra office writer documents all open in text edit rather than in libra office. On googling the problem i followed the directions that i found in this: [

My documents open in TextEdit, not Libre Office. No bueno

](My documents open in TextEdit, not Libre Office. No bueno)
It solved the problem for the person who asked, but did not do so for me.
Can anyone help me with this?

How did it not help?

Which step(s) from that linked solution could you perform?

  • Select save format within LibreOffice?
  • Locate a document file?
  • Select default application to open documents?

Do you get any error messages at any step?

Help us to help you!

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First point: Has LibreOffice survived the Update? Can you open LibreOffice on your new OS? If no - install it.

If LO started, can you open any existing file via Open-Dialog fro LO? If no, check rights for LO.

If LO can open the file you have to use the second part of your linked source: Selecting LO to open .odt files in Finder.

Maybe shutdown and reboot may help afterwards, but usually this should not be necessary.

I went through all the steps listed, though i don’t recall “select save format within libreoffice”. It said only to select a file i was having trouble with. One thing different was that i did not have to change from textedit to libreoffice because it already said libreoffice. The only other difference was that “libreoffice” is all it said, rather than what the screen shot showed, which was “LibreOffice app (default)”.

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Yes, libreoffice survived the change, and yes, i can open it.
Not sure about your next point - what is “open dialogue from LO”?
And i don’t know what “the second part of your linked source” means.
I tried opening some documents in LO via finder, and it worked for some but not for others. I have no idea why.

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Click File - Open