Hi folks!
I would like to use base to create and query some very large flat data files that I now have in .csv or tab-delimited format (mainly Census data and the like). One of the things that I would like to do with the data is to create a variety of summary statistics from various subsets of the data. I would like to do this in Base where possible to avoid problems with line limits (in Calc) or memory (in R).
I am almost completely new to databases except for using forms others have written to access pre-existing databases, but my understanding is that creation of the sort of summary statistics I am talking about can most easily be created via the use of window functions for those databases that support window functions. So, two related questions:
- Does LibreOffice base support window functions? and if so:
- Is there a good how-to guide or tutorial on using such functions via Base that you would recommend for someone new to Base, and indeed, almost new to databases?
Help and guidance very much appreciated. I am using LibreOffice under Windows 7 64-bit with Service Pack 1.
Warmest regards, andrewH