Draw - Exporting Bitmap & Pattern Areas

This isn’t a problem, but a solution I stumbled upon. I’m hoping someone can point me to where to send this info to help others. I checked the online help guide (https://documentation.libreoffice.org/assets/Uploads/Documentation/en/DG4.3/PDF/DG4310-PrintingExportingEmailing.pdf) and it doesn’t mention this.

I’m making a series of music symbols as vector graphics for a project with LO Draw then exporting them as svg files. It’s the first project I’ve done since going through Frugal Computer Guy’s tutorial, so I began playing around with the different functions and made some fun variations by filling the area with either a bitmap or a pattern that I liked a lot. Some of them would export to svg format and some would not.

What allowed me to export them was making them partially transparent. By moving the transparency to 1%, it maintains a bright picture while allowing it to export in svg format.

If someone could direct me where to go to offer this hack, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.

Rainbow Half Note

Rainbow Half Note_

EDIT ebot - File download enabled

I posted a couple image examples (in odg) to show what I’m talking about, but they don’t seem to be working.

Maybe you can offer it as a Template or Extension (?)

Thank you ebot, but this has nothing to do with the coding or the inside working of the program, so I don’t think that is quite right? This is just a little tip (or hack) to make it possible to export an odg to svg when the image is filled with a bitmap or pattern.

This is just a little tip (or hack) to make it possible to export an odg to svg when the image is filled with a bitmap or pattern.

I haven’t checked it now, but IMHO it should be in the documentation:

[English documentation](https://documentation.libreoffice.org/en/english-documentation/)

If this is not the case, you are welcome to participate in the creation of the documentation:
[What area interests you?](https://whatcanidoforlibreoffice.org/#!/progornoprog/document)

I have tried to use the chat feature a few times, but cannot get in to speak with anyone.

I don’t really want to register to join the documentation team. I was sent to submit a bug report a few months ago and the person I dealt with was antagonistic and didn’t help at all. I want to help LO, but that’s just not an environment I care to spend my free time in.

I want to help LO, but that’s just not an environment I care to spend my free time in.

Yes, not all people are the same.
All those who want to help you on this page are users, just like you.

Sometimes it is also a bit problematic when questions are submitted that contain inadequate information about the problem.
I wish you all the best. And do not despair.

Thank you & thanks for your help.