Draw: Selecting line width

  1. When I choose line width, there are only two options, 0.01 and 0.02, but I need to adjust between these values. I’ve tried both the dropdown menu at the top and the line properties box, but they always revert to 0.01 or 0.02. These are pretty coarse adjustments. Any suggestions?

  2. Assuming that LO was designed this way, what is the best way to request that this be fixed?

Thank you.

Please indicate the units you are using as this is variable. Presumably the values refer to millimetres.

These are pretty coarse adjustments.

I would think that 1/100th of a millimetre (~0.028pt) is fairly fine and that “coarse” is a relative term. While I understand to a degree what you are indicating, Draw is not a CAD package but rather a basic drawing component of an office suit. The ODF v1.2 specification does not as far as I can tell explicitly indicate that 1/100th mm is a limit even though it seems to be in LO (and is mentioned in the source code in various contexts). There is however reference in this spec to the SVG v1.1 and XSL v1.0 specifications, in the context of units of measure. Both the SVG and XSL specs define 1px as ~0.28mm / ~0.79pt i.e., 90dpi.

Assuming that LO was designed this way, what is the best way to request that this be fixed?

Well, “fixed” is probably not the right term in this context. There does not appear to be any open enhancement request relating to line / stroke widths. You would need to outline what you would like to see as being the minimum unit (e.g., thousandths of a millimetre), raise a bug and clearly indicate that it is an enhancement. Provide as much detail as possible and then await a response from the QA team to assess the request.

If you do raise a bug, please report a link to the bug back here. The notation “fdo#123456” will automatically be turned into a link.

Sorry, I am using inches. The interface jumps from 0 to 0.01 to 0.02 inches (0 to 0.25 to 0.5 mm). These are very large jumps and cause huge changes in the appearance of a printed document. I am coming from the lowly AppleWorks background where you get granularity of tenths of a point! In other words, steps of about 0.035 mm or ten times the granularity. I would think if they can do it, LO should be able to.

Thanks for clarifying. You will have to change the base units to something smaller if you require finer lines, as the interface only appears to cater for 1/100th of the unit in question (1/10th for points). Points are 72 to the inch and available in 1/10th (~0.28mm) but if you require finer then you must use millimetres. Bug fdo#38829 is an attempt to make fractions of inches available in the interface, but I can’t find any bug related to increasing the number of decimal places.

Some parts of the code for drawings are using integer variables and for integers there is nothing between 0 [1/100th mm] and 1 [1/100th mm]. There are ongoing efforts to change the code, so that double is used internally. But to be honest, I would need to look into the code to see, whether this is the case here. Sometimes only the field in the dialog prevents (or seems to prevent) finer scales