Drop down dependent if statement

I am trying to create a spreadsheet for RPG world building, settlement creation to be specific, and would like to create a nested if statement that references a drop down selection.

Example: =IF([droplist=thorp],C3,(IF([droplist=hamlet],C4)))

The text in brackets is for a lack of knowing how to create the formula properly if it can even be done.

There are many applications in just this one document that this would solve for me if anyone has the solution.

Please also consider to regard this thread.

Generally avoid deeply nested IF() expressions. Access lookup tables instead using VLOOKUP() or a combination of MATCH() and INDEX(). Your droplist will anyway be best based on a cell range, likely part of a column. You then can easily assign dependent values by placing them in the same rows of another column.
(See this example.)

Here’s an example using the INDEX function.

This is another example in Portuguese-Brazil.

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