Error in citation insertion using Mendeley desktop

I updated L.O version to 7.0 to see if the issue related to ‘Resolving comment’ (Check my last asked question) is rectified in this version. However, now I’m facing a new issue. While inserting any citation using Mendeley, L.O writer gives me an error of ‘Datatype mismatch’. Image attached.

Please help me out. I’m writing a technical manuscript and Mendeley is the most used application for it.

See comment to Any reasons for Mendeley citation error in LibreOffice?.

Pardon. I didn’t get you actually. What do I need to do? If I run into Macro, it is again showing error.
"A Scripting Framework error occurred while running the Basic script Mendeley.mendeleyMain.apiAddCitation.

Message: wrong number of parameters!"

What do I need to do?

Wait for 7.0.1 to be released or move to an earlier release (6.4)