Export current selection as a 1090 x 459px PNG

Hi. I find Draw absolutely invaluable as having cerebral palsy, I can move and resize objects using the keyboard.

A massive thank you to all LibreOffice volunteers!

All of the PNG files that I need to create must be exactly 1090px x 459px as they are being used in tables on a Wordpress site.

Rather than “select all”, and paste into ClipStudio, then save as a 1090px x 459px PNG, is there a way to save / export to those exact dimensions from LibreDraw?

I did think about a screen capture using SnagIt. but getting the exact dimensions is impossible.

Many thanks!

PS. Yes, I know I should have gone for 1090 x 460 from the outset on the mammoth task ahead!

If the selection does not have the same ratio as 1090 x 459, then it will not be possible without introducing distortions. It is helpful to include a borderless rectangle of the desired ratio at back position in the selection. In the export dialog first set the dpi, which your system uses, for example 120. Then calculate 1090/your dpi, for example 1090/120 = 9.0833. Second, set this value for the width in unit inch in the upper options. The order is important, first set dpi than width. Due to several rounding errors and restricted accuracy of the input fields, the result will not have exactly 1090x459, but will be off by some pixel.

To trim it to the requested size, I would use an external tool, for example paint.net. The application “paint.net” has in menu “Image” the tool “Canvas size” that allow to crop/extend the image to an exact pixel size and in tool “Resize” to stretch it to an exact pixel size.

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Hi Regina
Many thanks for your reply.
It makes total sense, of course. I think I will just have to continue as I am, unless I can find another graphics application with good keyboard manipulation of images.

Thanks again, and enjoy your weekend!


I configured an image size in Windows PowerToys, but it corrupted the background of the new PNG.
Eric_USA_English_adult_male_Ivona_text-to-speech_voice.odg (216.5 KB)