Fast way of redistributing numbers (unseparated by spaces) in one cell into separate numbers in separate cells

LO 6, Mojave

I have a list containing 990 different permutations of numbers, arranged in unbroken sets of three per cell, ranging from -3 to 7.
I want to separate each constituent number in each group of 3, in order to present the numbers so that each occurs parallel to the next, 1 per cell, 1 set per row, in a Calc spreadsheet eg. “-3-2-1” in Cell A1 is redistributed as “-3”, “-2” and “1” in cells B1, C1 and D1 respectively; “-3-20” in Cell A2 is redistruted as “-3”, “-2” and “0” in cells B1, C1 and D1 etc:
A1 B1 C1 D1
-3-2-1 -3 -2 -1
-3-20 -3 -2 0

Currently the list of permutations is in a Writer document, which I have attached for further illustration.

Can anyone recommend a quick method of completing this task? I’m a little apprehensive at the prospect of redistributing 990 different sets of numbers manually!

Permutation sets, N 11 : R 3, -3 to 7.odt

It is very simple. Is your problem now that there are no spaces between numbers? So insert them! Do it in Writer


Click Replace All and in less than a second you will be able to copy the set and paste it into Calc

This is result - Permutation sets, N 11 R 3, -3 to 7.ods

If you want formulas and values, use

B1: =VALUE((REGEX(REGEX($A1,"([:digit:])","$1 ","g"),"(.+ )(.+ )(.+ )","$1")))
C1: =VALUE((REGEX(REGEX($A1,"([:digit:])","$1 ","g"),"(.+ )(.+ )(.+ )","$2")))
D1: =VALUE((REGEX(REGEX($A1,"([:digit:])","$1 ","g"),"(.+ )(.+ )(.+ )","$3")))

if you want keep it text, replace VALUE() by TRIM() function, to get rid of any spaces.