filter options for -convert-to using command line

I have a script to convert all documents to pdf that runs every night. But I want it to be PDF/A-1a version for future preservation.

find $ACTAS_HOME -name "*.doc" -ctime -1 -execdir /usr/bin/libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf:writer_pdf_Export {} \;

I need to add SelectPdfVersion=1 to the filter options.

Hi @cheche,

You might be able to open your file using a macro and modify it before export:

Actually, with the LO 4.0 build I have installed on my Ubuntu 12.04.2 machine, PDF/A-1a appears to be set as the default if I go to File -> Export as PDF -> General. If PDF/A-1a isn’t already set in LO for you, try setting it and see if the command-line conversion respects that flag.

Sorry my question looks duplicate
I will research the use of unoconv.

Just for the recort if someone is searching the same issue:

find /home/samba/actasyresoluciones/ -name "*.doc" -ctime -15 -execdir /root/unoconv -f pdf -eSelectPdfVersion=1 {} \;

works for me

@cheche – thanks for the note, I’ll mark this as a dupe.

Good luck with unoconv!