Finding a heading refence that can be used to make a hyperlink, but in BASIC

So, I have a writer doc with a table and the first cell’s text is set as a “Heading 3”. How do I get that headings reference, like what a hyperlink would need to jump to that heading? I’m looking for that reference you get when making a hyperlink with the UI when it lets you pick which heading to want to jump to.

Here is the example doc.
MT script test doc6.odt (29.6 KB)

The Target in Document dialog is filled using XLinkTargetSupplier (recursively).

The fragment part is filled simply prepending the target name (which is one of the element names of the links) with # (no URL-encoding).

Excellent! So,XLinkTargetSupplier gets me to oDoc.Links and because I’m looking for headings the addition of .GetByName(“Headings”) brings me a list I can use, somehow. I’m closer than I was, thank you!

Related question: Help with macro adding outline hyperlinks in Writer

Yes, that was the same issue but from the other end. The solution turned out not to work as well as needed so that line was abandoned and the new strategy was adapted, storing that ID. So, storing the ID could be abandoned and this new code could be used in hyperlink creation. It makes more sense that way.

mikekaganski’s comment about XLinkTargetSupplier lead me to the Links object of the same type found in writer files. A bit more research and I have some working code. It’s not pretty but it finds the thing. I’m open to any alternative methods.

		sHeadingLink = "not_found"
		oHeadings = oDoc.Links.GetByName("Headings").getElementNames
		For each s in oHeadings
			If (InStr(s, oNameCell.String) > 0) Then
				sHeadingLink = s
				Exit For
			End If

*** EDIT ***
Here is a more complete copy of the code I’m running. The above is a bit misleading as it is only a fragment. But using the below code and the sample file in the original will let you see all the stuff happening here.

Function foCreateNewDoc(intWhich)
	sURLs = Array("swriter", "scalc", "sdraw", "smath", "simpress")
	sURL = "private:factory/" & sURLs(intWhich)
	foCreateNewDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl(sURL, "_blank", 0, Array())
End Function

Function foGetOrOpenFile(strPath, strFile)
	Dim args()
	' Get a list of open LO files.  If open, return the wanted file, otherwise open it and return that...WRG

	oComps = StarDesktop.Components
	oCompsEnum = oComps.createEnumeration()
	boolFileFound = False

	' Search open files for the one we need...WRG
	Do While oCompsEnum.hasMoreElements()
		oComp = oCompsEnum.nextElement()
		If (StrComp(oComp.Title, strFile, 0) = 0) Then
			' File found, exit loop...WRG
			boolFileFound = True
			oDoc = oComp
			Exit Do
		End If
	If Not boolFileFound Then
		' because file is not already open, open it...WRG
		strDocPath = strPath + strFile
		oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(ConvertToUrl(strDocPath), "_default", 0, args())
	End If

	' Return file...WRG
	foGetOrOpenFile = oDoc
End Function

Function foGetCalcSheet(strName, oCalcFile,  boolDeleteExisting)
	if oCalcFile.Sheets.hasByName(strName) And boolDeleteExisting Then
	End If
	oCalcFile.Sheets.insertNewByName(strName, oCalcFile.Sheets.Count)
	'Return the sheet...WRG
	foGetCalcSheet = oCalcFile.Sheets.getByName(strName)
End Function

Function fsNewLocateHeadingLinkAddress(oDoc, oHeaderCell)
	' Proposed by sokol92, I made minor adjustments for my testing...WRG
		Dim  sLink As String, sHeadingLink As String, sHeadName As String, s As String
		Dim oLink As Object
		sHeadingURL = "not_found"
		sHeadName= oHeaderCell.String
		For Each sLink In oDoc.Links.ElementNames
			For Each s in oLink.ElementNames
				If Right(s, 8)<>"|outline" Then
					Exit For
				End If   
				If s=sHeadName & "|outline" Then
					sHeadingURL = s
					Exit For
				End If
			Next s  
		Next sLink
		fsNewLocateHeadingLinkAddress = sHeadingURL
End Function

Function fsLocateHeadingLinkAddress(oDoc, oHeaderCell)
		'oHeaderCell has text that is a heading.  In the document, there will be links to that heading.  
		'    So, save the heading URL for later use in recreating those links...WRG
		sHeadingURL = "not_found"
		'The best we have is a partial match, what is in oHeaderCell.String is just the name of the skill.  Adding that to "|outline" gives 
		'   us more but still lacks the counting prependings, like 11.3.2 which would be because the 11th heading 1, the 3rd heading 2,  
		'   and the 2nd heading 3 where counted.  Without counting all that out, which we don't do because enough time has been given 
		'   to this problem, the best we have is a partial name and hence there is still a window of failure...WRG
		sPartialHeadingName = oHeaderCell.String & "|outline"
		oHeadings = oDoc.Links.GetByName("Headings").getElementNames()
		For each s in oHeadings
			'Best case, the InStr returns 1, this means the match was perfect.  The best I expect to see with my data is something
			'  In the range of 10 to 12, the space I expect the counts to take up.
			If (InStr(s, sPartialHeadingName) > 0 and InStr(s, sPartialHeadingName) < 12) Then
				sHeadingURL = s
				Exit For
			End If
		fsLocateHeadingLinkAddress = sHeadingURL
End Function

Function fiProcessSkillTable (oGuideFile, oLeadsToFile, sSkillTable, iStep, oTempSheet, iTSIndex)
	' Pull the skill table apart and move that data to the calc sheet...WRG
	oSkillTable = oGuideFile.TextTables.getByName(sSkillTable)
	iRowKnt = oSkillTable.Rows.Count - 1
	r = iTSIndex 'Tracks what row we are in on oTempSheet...WRG
	'The skill table uses multiple rows and cols to display the stat block of a skill, hence having a For using Step...WRG
	For mr = 0 to iRowKnt Step iStep
		'Cells of interest within the skill's stat block, set names of these cells...WRG
		strNameCell = "A" & (mr+1)
		strRankCell = "B" & (mr+1)
		strTypeCell = "C" & (mr+1)
		strERBCell = "D" & (mr+1)
		strDescriptionCell = "B" & (mr+2)
		strPrerequisiteListCell = "C" & (mr+3)
		strWithAAListCell = "C" & (mr+4) 'Not used when iStep is less than 6...WRG
		strWithAAAListCell = "C" & (mr+5) 'Not used when iStep is less than 6...WRG
		'The last row is a blank spacer row, so nothing there is needed...WRG
		'Using above names, get cells from the writer doc's skill table...WRG
		oNameCell	= oSkillTable.getCellByName(strNameCell)
		oRankCell		= oSkillTable.getCellByName(strRankCell)
		oTypeCell		= oSkillTable.getCellByName(strTypeCell)
		oERBCell		= oSkillTable.getCellByName(strERBCell)
		oDescCell		= oSkillTable.getCellByName(strDescriptionCell)
		oPreListCell	= oSkillTable.getCellByName(strPrerequisiteListCell)
		oAAListCell	= oSkillTable.getCellByName(strWithAAListCell) 'Not used when iStep is less than 6...WRG
		oAAAListCell	= oSkillTable.getCellByName(strWithAAAListCell) 'Not used when iStep is less than 6...WRG
		'sHeadingURL =  fsLocateHeadingLinkAddress(oGuideFile, oNameCell)
		sHeadingURL =  fsNewLocateHeadingLinkAddress(oGuideFile, oNameCell)
		'Move these cells to the calc sheet...WRG
		oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(2,r).setString(Mid(oRankCell.String, 7)) 'Cut out "Rank: "...WRG
		oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(4,r).setString(Mid(oERBCell.String, 6)) 'Cut out "ERB: "...WRG
		oTempTargetCell = oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(5, r)
		iURLknt = 1 'The description may have one or more URLs in it, keep count in iURLknt...WRG
		'oDescCell has complex data.  In addition to the typical "about blurb" it could have a sub table and/or links to other 
		'   secitions of the doc.  So we will step through the cell's content by object.  Most of this should be paragraph
		'   objects, some of which will be links.  There will be a few sub tables as well.  Those are simple tables and will be
		'   stored, each in their own sheet.  These sheets are named by the table name so the blower can reverse all this...WRG
		For Each o In oDescCell
			If o.supportsService("") Then
				'Add placeholder to the description...WRG
				oTempTargetCell.setString(oTempTargetCell.String+ "***"+o.TableName+"***")
				'Add data sheet so we can copy table values there...WRG
				With oLeadsToFile.Sheets
					If .hasByName(o.TableName) Then
					End If
					.insertNewByName(o.TableName, .Count)
				End With
				'Get ref to the new sheet...WRG
				oSubSheet = oLeadsToFile.Sheets(oLeadsToFile.Sheets.Count-1)
				'Get ref to the sub-table...WRG
				oSubTable = oGuideFile.TextTables.getByName(o.TableName)
				'Get sub-table bounds...WRG
				intRowKnt = oSubTable.Rows.Count - 1
				intColKnt = oSubTable.Columns.Count - 1
				'Copy the cells to the new sheet...WRG
				For r2 = 0 To intRowKnt
					For c2 = 0 To intColKnt
					Next ' For c2 = 0 To intColKnt
				Next ' For r2 = 0 To intRowKnt
				'Set col width on this sheet...WRG
				oColumns = oSubSheet.getColumns()
				For c3 = 0 To intColKnt
					oColumns.getByIndex(c3).OptimalWidth = True
				Next ' For c3 = 0 To intColKnt
			ElseIf o.supportsService("") Then
				'Check for this paragraph object being a URL...WRG
				For Each o2 In o
					sUrl = o2.HyperlinkURL
					If sUrl <> "" Then
						'Add URL to the end of row...WRG
						'Add to the URL counter for this description...WRG
						iURLknt = iURLknt + 1
					End If ' End If sUrl <> "" Then
				Next ' For Each o2 In o
				MsgBox("skipping the unknown thing")
			End If ' End If o.supportsService("") Then
		Next ' For Each o In oDescCell
		'Finish col 5 by cutting a bit of beginning text that isn't needed...WRG
		oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(5,r).setString(Mid(oTempTargetCell.String, 19)) 'Cut out "Common Knowledge: "...WRG
		if (iStep = 6) Then 
			'Only used when iStep is 6...WRG
		End If 'End if (iStep = 6) Then 

		'Set some cell props, likely only use about 12 cols for this data...WRG
		For x = 0 to 12 
			oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(x,r).VertJustify =
			if x > 3 Then
				oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(x,r).IsTextWrapped = True
			End If
		r = r + 1 'Advancing row for oTempSheet...WRG
	Next ' End For mr = 0 to iRowKnt Step iStep

	'Returns the index of the next blank line of the calc sheet...WRG
	fiProcessSkillTable = r 
End Function

Sub MasterDataSucker
	REM Suck writer doc info into calc sheets...WRG
	Dim strTempSheetName As String
	'Open calc file...WRG
	oLeadsToFile = foCreateNewDoc(1)

	'Make a temp sheet to work with, rename later to show we are done...WRG
	strTempSheetName = "BuildTemp"
	'If the temp sheet exist, delete it and make a fresh one...WRG
	oTempSheet = foGetCalcSheet(strTempSheetName, oLeadsToFile,  true)
	'Set col width on the temp sheet...WRG
	oColumns = oTempSheet.getColumns()
	'Can't use optimal here, the data is too big.  I don't want 22 inch cols...WRG
	With 	oColumns
		.getByName("A").Width = 4800
		.getByName("B").Width = 5800
		.getByName("C").Width = 2900
		.getByName("D").Width = 2250
		.getByName("E").Width = 2250
		.getByName("F").Width = 20000
		.getByName("G").Width = 8000
		.getByName("H").Width = 8000
		.getByName("I").Width = 8000
		.getByName("J").Width = 5800
		.getByName("k").Width = 5800
		.getByName("l").Width = 5800
	End With ' End  oColumns

	strGuideFile = "MT script test doc6.odt"
	strGuidePath = "C:\Users\WRG\Documents\projects\Magickal Thinking\Playtesting\"

	oGuideFile = foGetOrOpenFile(strGuidePath, strGuideFile)
	'Process common skill table...WRG
	iTSIndex = fiProcessSkillTable(oGuideFile, oLeadsToFile, "CommonSkills", 6, oTempSheet, 0)
	'Process enchanted skill table...WRG
	iTSIndex = fiProcessSkillTable(oGuideFile, oLeadsToFile, "EnchantedSkills", 4, oTempSheet, iTSIndex)
	'Process transcendent skill table...WRG
	iTSIndex = fiProcessSkillTable(oGuideFile, oLeadsToFile, "TranscendentSkills", 4, oTempSheet, iTSIndex)
	'Rename to Master Data.  This shows me the macro is done processing...WRG
	sFinishedTabName = "New Master Data" 'Change name later...WRG
	With oLeadsToFile.Sheets
		If .hasByName(sFinishedTabName) Then
		End If
	End With 'End oLeadsToFile.Sheets
	oTempSheet.Name = sFinishedTabName 
End Sub

Sub MasterDataBlower
	REM Blows calc sheet data back into writer doc tables...WRG
	REM this is a to-do-reminder
End Sub

Sub Main
	'Testing stuff here
End Sub

I’m afraid this will only work with locales where Headings are translated as Headings. :slight_smile:

Built-in styles have the same English name in all UI languages. Each one has a property “DisplayName” which reflects the localized name.

@Villeroy, Andreas, could you check if the macro above works in your localization? I get an error.

Sorry, I confused styles with links.

We can try this workaround:

Sub test
  Dim  sLink As String, sHeadingLink As String, sHeadName As String, s As String
  Dim oLink As Object
  sHeadingLink = "not_found"
  sHeadName="1.2.3.Enchanted Skill C"
  For Each sLink In ThisComponent.Links.ElementNames
    For Each s in oLink.ElementNames
      If Right(s, 8)<>"|outline" Then
        Exit For
      End If   
      If s=sHeadName & "|outline" Then
        sHeadingLink = s
        Exit For
      End If
    Next s  
  Next sLink
End Sub
If s=sHeadName & "|outline" Then

This only works on a full match, with my data, that will not happen. So I use Instr, because a partial match is the best I can get atm. Adding “|outline” to the name will help, so I am adding that.

sHeadName="1.2.3.Enchanted Skill C"

What would be there in my dataset is just “Enchanted Skill C” without the prepending counters. Not having that bit is why I have to search for it in Links in the first place.

Of course, a partial match with Instr has inherent issues of false positives but I have to live with that. Again, if I had the whole thing, I wouldn’t need to do the search at all. I could just validate it’s there and move on.

As far as issues with localization, I’m afraid that’s an area I don’t know much about.