mikekaganski’s comment about XLinkTargetSupplier lead me to the Links object of the same type found in writer files. A bit more research and I have some working code. It’s not pretty but it finds the thing. I’m open to any alternative methods.
sHeadingLink = "not_found"
oHeadings = oDoc.Links.GetByName("Headings").getElementNames
For each s in oHeadings
If (InStr(s, oNameCell.String) > 0) Then
sHeadingLink = s
Exit For
End If
*** EDIT ***
Here is a more complete copy of the code I’m running. The above is a bit misleading as it is only a fragment. But using the below code and the sample file in the original will let you see all the stuff happening here.
Function foCreateNewDoc(intWhich)
sURLs = Array("swriter", "scalc", "sdraw", "smath", "simpress")
sURL = "private:factory/" & sURLs(intWhich)
foCreateNewDoc = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromUrl(sURL, "_blank", 0, Array())
End Function
Function foGetOrOpenFile(strPath, strFile)
Dim args()
' Get a list of open LO files. If open, return the wanted file, otherwise open it and return that...WRG
oComps = StarDesktop.Components
oCompsEnum = oComps.createEnumeration()
boolFileFound = False
' Search open files for the one we need...WRG
Do While oCompsEnum.hasMoreElements()
oComp = oCompsEnum.nextElement()
If (StrComp(oComp.Title, strFile, 0) = 0) Then
' File found, exit loop...WRG
boolFileFound = True
oDoc = oComp
Exit Do
End If
If Not boolFileFound Then
' because file is not already open, open it...WRG
strDocPath = strPath + strFile
oDoc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(ConvertToUrl(strDocPath), "_default", 0, args())
End If
' Return file...WRG
foGetOrOpenFile = oDoc
End Function
Function foGetCalcSheet(strName, oCalcFile, boolDeleteExisting)
if oCalcFile.Sheets.hasByName(strName) And boolDeleteExisting Then
End If
oCalcFile.Sheets.insertNewByName(strName, oCalcFile.Sheets.Count)
'Return the sheet...WRG
foGetCalcSheet = oCalcFile.Sheets.getByName(strName)
End Function
Function fsNewLocateHeadingLinkAddress(oDoc, oHeaderCell)
' Proposed by sokol92, I made minor adjustments for my testing...WRG
Dim sLink As String, sHeadingLink As String, sHeadName As String, s As String
Dim oLink As Object
sHeadingURL = "not_found"
sHeadName= oHeaderCell.String
For Each sLink In oDoc.Links.ElementNames
For Each s in oLink.ElementNames
If Right(s, 8)<>"|outline" Then
Exit For
End If
If s=sHeadName & "|outline" Then
sHeadingURL = s
Exit For
End If
Next s
Next sLink
fsNewLocateHeadingLinkAddress = sHeadingURL
End Function
Function fsLocateHeadingLinkAddress(oDoc, oHeaderCell)
'oHeaderCell has text that is a heading. In the document, there will be links to that heading.
' So, save the heading URL for later use in recreating those links...WRG
sHeadingURL = "not_found"
'The best we have is a partial match, what is in oHeaderCell.String is just the name of the skill. Adding that to "|outline" gives
' us more but still lacks the counting prependings, like 11.3.2 which would be because the 11th heading 1, the 3rd heading 2,
' and the 2nd heading 3 where counted. Without counting all that out, which we don't do because enough time has been given
' to this problem, the best we have is a partial name and hence there is still a window of failure...WRG
sPartialHeadingName = oHeaderCell.String & "|outline"
oHeadings = oDoc.Links.GetByName("Headings").getElementNames()
For each s in oHeadings
'Best case, the InStr returns 1, this means the match was perfect. The best I expect to see with my data is something
' In the range of 10 to 12, the space I expect the counts to take up.
If (InStr(s, sPartialHeadingName) > 0 and InStr(s, sPartialHeadingName) < 12) Then
sHeadingURL = s
Exit For
End If
fsLocateHeadingLinkAddress = sHeadingURL
End Function
Function fiProcessSkillTable (oGuideFile, oLeadsToFile, sSkillTable, iStep, oTempSheet, iTSIndex)
' Pull the skill table apart and move that data to the calc sheet...WRG
oSkillTable = oGuideFile.TextTables.getByName(sSkillTable)
iRowKnt = oSkillTable.Rows.Count - 1
r = iTSIndex 'Tracks what row we are in on oTempSheet...WRG
'The skill table uses multiple rows and cols to display the stat block of a skill, hence having a For using Step...WRG
For mr = 0 to iRowKnt Step iStep
'Cells of interest within the skill's stat block, set names of these cells...WRG
strNameCell = "A" & (mr+1)
strRankCell = "B" & (mr+1)
strTypeCell = "C" & (mr+1)
strERBCell = "D" & (mr+1)
strDescriptionCell = "B" & (mr+2)
strPrerequisiteListCell = "C" & (mr+3)
strWithAAListCell = "C" & (mr+4) 'Not used when iStep is less than 6...WRG
strWithAAAListCell = "C" & (mr+5) 'Not used when iStep is less than 6...WRG
'The last row is a blank spacer row, so nothing there is needed...WRG
'Using above names, get cells from the writer doc's skill table...WRG
oNameCell = oSkillTable.getCellByName(strNameCell)
oRankCell = oSkillTable.getCellByName(strRankCell)
oTypeCell = oSkillTable.getCellByName(strTypeCell)
oERBCell = oSkillTable.getCellByName(strERBCell)
oDescCell = oSkillTable.getCellByName(strDescriptionCell)
oPreListCell = oSkillTable.getCellByName(strPrerequisiteListCell)
oAAListCell = oSkillTable.getCellByName(strWithAAListCell) 'Not used when iStep is less than 6...WRG
oAAAListCell = oSkillTable.getCellByName(strWithAAAListCell) 'Not used when iStep is less than 6...WRG
'sHeadingURL = fsLocateHeadingLinkAddress(oGuideFile, oNameCell)
sHeadingURL = fsNewLocateHeadingLinkAddress(oGuideFile, oNameCell)
'Move these cells to the calc sheet...WRG
oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(2,r).setString(Mid(oRankCell.String, 7)) 'Cut out "Rank: "...WRG
oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(4,r).setString(Mid(oERBCell.String, 6)) 'Cut out "ERB: "...WRG
oTempTargetCell = oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(5, r)
iURLknt = 1 'The description may have one or more URLs in it, keep count in iURLknt...WRG
'oDescCell has complex data. In addition to the typical "about blurb" it could have a sub table and/or links to other
' secitions of the doc. So we will step through the cell's content by object. Most of this should be paragraph
' objects, some of which will be links. There will be a few sub tables as well. Those are simple tables and will be
' stored, each in their own sheet. These sheets are named by the table name so the blower can reverse all this...WRG
For Each o In oDescCell
If o.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextTable") Then
'Add placeholder to the description...WRG
oTempTargetCell.setString(oTempTargetCell.String+ "***"+o.TableName+"***")
'Add data sheet so we can copy table values there...WRG
With oLeadsToFile.Sheets
If .hasByName(o.TableName) Then
End If
.insertNewByName(o.TableName, .Count)
End With
'Get ref to the new sheet...WRG
oSubSheet = oLeadsToFile.Sheets(oLeadsToFile.Sheets.Count-1)
'Get ref to the sub-table...WRG
oSubTable = oGuideFile.TextTables.getByName(o.TableName)
'Get sub-table bounds...WRG
intRowKnt = oSubTable.Rows.Count - 1
intColKnt = oSubTable.Columns.Count - 1
'Copy the cells to the new sheet...WRG
For r2 = 0 To intRowKnt
For c2 = 0 To intColKnt
Next ' For c2 = 0 To intColKnt
Next ' For r2 = 0 To intRowKnt
'Set col width on this sheet...WRG
oColumns = oSubSheet.getColumns()
For c3 = 0 To intColKnt
oColumns.getByIndex(c3).OptimalWidth = True
Next ' For c3 = 0 To intColKnt
ElseIf o.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.Paragraph") Then
'Check for this paragraph object being a URL...WRG
For Each o2 In o
sUrl = o2.HyperlinkURL
If sUrl <> "" Then
'Add URL to the end of row...WRG
'Add to the URL counter for this description...WRG
iURLknt = iURLknt + 1
End If ' End If sUrl <> "" Then
Next ' For Each o2 In o
MsgBox("skipping the unknown thing")
End If ' End If o.supportsService("com.sun.star.text.TextTable") Then
Next ' For Each o In oDescCell
'Finish col 5 by cutting a bit of beginning text that isn't needed...WRG
oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(5,r).setString(Mid(oTempTargetCell.String, 19)) 'Cut out "Common Knowledge: "...WRG
if (iStep = 6) Then
'Only used when iStep is 6...WRG
End If 'End if (iStep = 6) Then
'Set some cell props, likely only use about 12 cols for this data...WRG
For x = 0 to 12
oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(x,r).VertJustify = com.sun.star.table.CellVertJustify.TOP
if x > 3 Then
oTempSheet.getCellByPosition(x,r).IsTextWrapped = True
End If
r = r + 1 'Advancing row for oTempSheet...WRG
Next ' End For mr = 0 to iRowKnt Step iStep
'Returns the index of the next blank line of the calc sheet...WRG
fiProcessSkillTable = r
End Function
Sub MasterDataSucker
REM Suck writer doc info into calc sheets...WRG
Dim strTempSheetName As String
'Open calc file...WRG
oLeadsToFile = foCreateNewDoc(1)
'Make a temp sheet to work with, rename later to show we are done...WRG
strTempSheetName = "BuildTemp"
'If the temp sheet exist, delete it and make a fresh one...WRG
oTempSheet = foGetCalcSheet(strTempSheetName, oLeadsToFile, true)
'Set col width on the temp sheet...WRG
oColumns = oTempSheet.getColumns()
'Can't use optimal here, the data is too big. I don't want 22 inch cols...WRG
With oColumns
.getByName("A").Width = 4800
.getByName("B").Width = 5800
.getByName("C").Width = 2900
.getByName("D").Width = 2250
.getByName("E").Width = 2250
.getByName("F").Width = 20000
.getByName("G").Width = 8000
.getByName("H").Width = 8000
.getByName("I").Width = 8000
.getByName("J").Width = 5800
.getByName("k").Width = 5800
.getByName("l").Width = 5800
End With ' End oColumns
strGuideFile = "MT script test doc6.odt"
strGuidePath = "C:\Users\WRG\Documents\projects\Magickal Thinking\Playtesting\"
oGuideFile = foGetOrOpenFile(strGuidePath, strGuideFile)
'Process common skill table...WRG
iTSIndex = fiProcessSkillTable(oGuideFile, oLeadsToFile, "CommonSkills", 6, oTempSheet, 0)
'Process enchanted skill table...WRG
iTSIndex = fiProcessSkillTable(oGuideFile, oLeadsToFile, "EnchantedSkills", 4, oTempSheet, iTSIndex)
'Process transcendent skill table...WRG
iTSIndex = fiProcessSkillTable(oGuideFile, oLeadsToFile, "TranscendentSkills", 4, oTempSheet, iTSIndex)
'Rename to Master Data. This shows me the macro is done processing...WRG
sFinishedTabName = "New Master Data" 'Change name later...WRG
With oLeadsToFile.Sheets
If .hasByName(sFinishedTabName) Then
End If
End With 'End oLeadsToFile.Sheets
oTempSheet.Name = sFinishedTabName
End Sub
Sub MasterDataBlower
REM Blows calc sheet data back into writer doc tables...WRG
REM this is a to-do-reminder
End Sub
Sub Main
'Testing stuff here
End Sub