I have a document that requires a footnote in a particular place. The footnote is near the end of the paragraph, which is near - but not too close - to the end of the page. The paragraph that the footnote indicator is in flows over to the next page, dispite there being enough room on the page to, at least, start the footnote, leaving a large white space at the bottom. (It should then flow over to the next page - which normally it does.)
I will try to upload screenshot of what I mean. (Due to the sensitive nature of the document, I am unable to screenshot the actual version, but the test one does the same thing.) (Also, please bear with me, as I am not too familier with this forum and I might screw up the upload.)
Untitled 2.odt (8.5 KB)
(That seemed to work. Although not too clear.
Should have done it in bigger text.)
Note: the footnote mark is at the top of the second page at the end of the third full sentence, and the white spce at the foot of page one.
Removing more of the sentences pulls the footnote across to the foot of page one even if the footnote is too long to fit completely onto the bottom of the page - but, obviously, this is not possible with the real text. I’ve tried adjusting various settings, but to no avail.
Am I doing something wrong?
P.S. using LO v7.4.6.2 on Win10