Format calculated field in Base query

I have a decimal field in a query. Let’s say 100.00. Then in a calculated field I multiply mentioned decimal field with let’s say 1.3. Then that calculated field shows 130000 as a result. Why is that not 130.00? Or 130.000, if you like? In the corresponding field in a form it seems impossible to get 130.00 (format is with 2 decimals).


Your question can be answered if you are using Firebird embedded as the database. See this post → When Appending a price the value is shifted.

If you are not using this, please supply basic information such as OS, specific LO version used & which database is being used.

I am indeed using Firebird. So it is a known bug. I will change database and see what happens. Many thanks.

You’re right. In HSQLDB it works as I would expect, Hopefully they will fix that bug in Firebird soon. Thanks again.