Frame position Outside, Inside, From Inside

Can anyone please explain to me the meaning of Outside and Inside and From Inside on the Position tab of Frame properties? I clicked the Help button there but the Help page doesn’t mention these settings.
I tried experimenting with the settings to see if I could work it out for myself, but they have no effect as far as I can see.
I was hoping this might force figure frames to the outside of the page paragraph area (and then mirror them for even/uneven numbered pages), but that doesn’t happen.

Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
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CPU threads: 4; OS: Windows 10.0 Build 19045; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: de-DE (en_GB); UI: en-GB
Calc: threaded

I have no such options as Outside, Inside and From Inside. But this is perhaps an approximate translation of what is displayed in your German locale. What are the exact German words you see?

It’s an English UI.

There are so many settings on the Type tab that one can easily get confused. The Preview area tries to help you visualize how the settings you make will change the frame position. But the Preview itself can get confusing.

When I was learning to understand the settings, I set various backgrounds (area colors) to parts of the page to help my understand differences like Page text area and Entire paragraph area.

I see the preview square move to where I want the image, but it doesn’t have any effect on my image when I click OK.

These labels appear in Mirror on even pages context.

They allow the same unique frame style to be used on both left and right pages with left/right relative positioning exchanged.

Suppose you want an icon to be always positioned in the outer margin. This position is traditionally right on right pages and left on left pages. This would require two frame styles but you don’t know whether the frame occurs on left or right page because placement depends on the amount of text preceding the anchor.

In mirrored context, Outside refers to the outer edge of the page, i.e. right on right page and left on left page. Inside is on the inner edge. These words replace Left and Right.

The preview image shows the case of a right page but mentally you must be prepared for the mirror case on facing page.

From Inside measures distances from the inner edge of pages (the binding edge) from left to right on right/odd pages and from right to left (opposite direction) on left/even pages.

This feature is quite handy to balance “landmarks” in outer margins.

I filed bug report tdf#159870 and it looks like a duplicate of tdf#65412

That’s exactly what I was trying to achieve. It has no effect for me.
Untitled 1.odt (51.8 KB)

I modified one of my templates to get this effect (I was looking for for a long time) but there is probably a bug because the settings don’t survive a close-open cycle.