We have quite nice Guidelines for asking. However, I believe that answering is no easier, and needs own guidelines, too.
Why? On this site, we have a great community of experienced contributors (users and developers) who have enough knowledge to help solve many problems asked here. But for any contributor, it seems, the most frustration results from bad questions. And sometimes this gets to the point that any bad question - including those from inexperienced newcomers - gets quite harsh reception.
I don’t mean extreme cases, where a user with more than 100 questions asked on the site, and who was asked to express oneself clearer, keeps writing undecipherable code in new questions. And I don’t mean that bad questions from newcomers is “good”. I, too, feel sorry that what should be part of basic education today: ability to express oneself in a way to be understood - looks like some esoteric knowledge.
Yet, I believe that belittling newcomers doesn’t help anyone. Users come here because they have problems; they hope to find help here; and having a degree in rhetorics is not a hard requirement to use LibreOffice. However sad, the reality is that any who answers questions will necessarily see bad questions, so bashing on their authors from the very beginning is denying the reality, and harming the community.
I see many good examples, like having some boilerplate text for the questions of poor quality, with links explaining how to improve - without those -1’s and aggressive comments. So the question is: what would experienced contributors suggest to each other, to give good answers to not-so-good questions, and keep own sanity?