Have just started using LibreOffice and am having trouble using auto sum in a column of numbers. Keeps coming up with 0. Have checked that column is set for numbers. Any ideas??

New computer using windows 8.1. Version of LibreOffice - Latest I think - have just downloaded last week

And are they number, not number as text although the cell format is for numbers?. Please see if the solution here How to find and eliminate the char ' solves your issue.

Test with Menu/Data/Text to column in a couple of cells not summed, it converts on number if they are text, and then should be summed.


I don’t know whether this will help you because I was using a different formulae [COUNTIF] though we had the same result [0]. Read through never know it may be of help.

Here is how I was able to successfully use it: =COUNTIF($M$8:$M$343,"="&C347). I was missing ["="&] before in the formulae until I added it. Try adding it in your formulae. Never know it may help.

Thank you