Header vanishes

I’m using the latest LibreOffice on Mac (14.5 all up to date). And my headers are disappearing from my document. I put the header in there, and then work on my document, and later notice the header is gone. I have made so many changes, I cannot simply undo everything. I don’t know when they disappear, but it is annoying. Anyone else having this problem? I use LO on a regular basis, and this is the first time this has showed up, and it happens regularly in writer. Hopefully someone can note it, and diagnosis it.

from this long thread Is LO 7 discontinued? - #8 by ToddAndMargo
you may just take that it might be more stable to stick to 24.2.4.x for now.

and maybe related to your very issue : tdf#161349

If you accidentally delete a Manual break that separates page styles, then the subsequent pages will take the page style of the previous pages. If that previous page style did not include a header, then the subsequent pages will lose their header without warning.

In the attached file, deleting the empty return on the first page will remove the page style (landscape with header) from the second page (along with the header).
HeaderRemovedWhenChangePageStyle.odt (56.5 KB)

I think the bug report, 161349, is not relevant here, earliest occurrence Alpha1+, also demonstration file has no footer in Word anyway

I’m sorry, where is that implied in that thread? That one was about incorrectly perceived “excessive” update rate of 24.2 (because the OP there assumed that every release candidate, that wasn’t even announced, was required for installation for them, so they asked if it would be possible to keep on an older 7.x branch, which at that stage was indeed in a mature state, getting last and less frequent releases); but there was not a single sign of “24.2.4 is better in any thinkable sense than 24.2.5” idea.

ok. I’m officially lost.

24.2.5 is for technology enthusiast, early adopter …

LibreOffice is available in the following released versions:

  • 24.2.5
  • 24.2.4

so … 24.2.4 is not better, so … also for early adopter …

The current download page status is an own problem. The thread you quoted is completely unrelated (except to an off-topic unrelated comment in the end, which confusingly mentioned this issue, and which got a reply with a reference to the relevant other question).

We have a discussion, how we need to improve this situation internally. But it’s odd, that people start spreading uncertainty, like in this thread here - especially when these people have means to learn the status before getting “officially lost”.

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I had the same issue in 24.2.4.x that is why I upgraded to 24.2.5 only to find the same issue.

I set my heading in my first page, so this wasn’t the problem.

I too am officially lost. I begrudgingly upgraded to v24 because 7 is not listed in the downloads. Seems I have been thrown into the “development” cycle, and I want the stability of the ‘older stable’ versions. I don’t really know how to properly report bugs. I don’t even know how to properly quote people on this forum.

try to find a sequence which reproduce the problem every single time on a sample doc;
from there it may motivate one of the power-users here to have a closer look, but it’s officially recommanded to keep your expectations low.

You can find more guidelines from First steps to take before submitting a bug - The Document Foundation Wiki
(hoping you won’t be too much disturbed by the fact the version numbers are not accurate there either ! that can apparently be called means to learn :expressionless: )

First page can have First Page Style or Default Page Style.

First Page Style is for only the first page, it changes to Default Page Style for the second and subsequent pages. If a header isn’t set in Default then it won’t appear on the next pages

If you look at the Header settings in page style, you will see there is a tick box for different settings on first page. Maybe that was set?

I suggest the Writer Guide as a reference, download from English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides

  1. You can always download and use any previous version: see a link to old versions at the bottom of the download page (there is content on that page, beyond the big frame with currently suggested version(s)).


  1. It is not clear if the newer version is really responsible for the problem you experience, or it is just something new you started to do with your document; but regardless, you should not expect that newer versions - even in “stable” state - will not have new bugs. Version 24.2.5 is already considered stable enough for broad use; but any change has a potential for a bug, and not all bugs can be caught and fixed before release (otherwise, there wouldn’t be bugfix releases). Having correct expectations is good to avoid frustration. And we indeed keep the archive of old versions just to enable users to use whatever works for them.

I write 4 new documents every week, and they are all from the same template. I can assure you it is a new problem, and not a user error. 100% it is a new problem, and LO 24.x introduced it to me. I do not have time to try and track down, isolate the problem. I’m not a programmer. All I know is I’m working away, and the header disappears. I printed the document and no headers were present. I just re-opened the document I had saved, and the headers were present. I’m not crazy, it is a LO 24.x bug. I upgraded to 24.2.5 from 24.2.4 to see if it was fixed, and the same thing happens. This is my bug report. :smiley: Have a great day.

Based on the LO web page, they effectively did away with the “Long term supported” version. Call it whatever you want, they buried it. They called 7.x outdated, and only offer 24.x now. 24.x is buggy, and in development. I clicked on their whole ‘Business User’ thing, and even reached out to one of the partners and asked how I can pay for it. It was not straightforward, or clear, and no price was ever given to me. I even looked at all of them, and literally couldn’t figure out how to ‘purchase’ or support LO through their partners. I’m going back to 7.x for stability, and LO can figure out what they are doing.

This is called FUD. There was absolutely no change in support policy over the whole history of LibreOffice; there’s none now. We use 1-year support cycle; we never had anything else. Version 7.6 was released last summer; it got EOL this summer. Version 24.2 vas released this winter; it will EOL in the coming winter. Version 24.8 will be released this August; it will reach end of support next summer. What is at the download page is a brief period after the previous version got EOLed (and removed from the primary suggested version), and the new one hasn’t been released yet. And there was never any long-term support provided by TDF / LibreOffice project. Never.

If you happen to come across a bug that annoys you, and feel like it’s end of the world, you have wrong expectations. You were lucky enough to not get problems with previous versions; and indeed, most users of stable versions also hadn’t; but (1) many users also don’t have problems with 24.2; and (2) some users had problems with 7.6. Most important, is that no one have ever deprived you the right to use the version that works for you.

If you can’t be bothered to file a proper bug report, that problem can’t be analyzed and fixed. There is not a single report similar to your problem, and thousands (maybe already millions) of people use 24.2. So it is not something disastrous, affecting many. Thus, without you taking an effort to find reliable steps to reproduce the problem, so that someone else, not looking over your shoulder, could launch their copy of LibreOffice, read your recipe, repeat the steps, and see the problem, - this may well be unsolved for long - not because of us, but because of you.

Bug reports are not easy to file, I have filed them before. They have never been helpful to anyone. I’m not a programmer, developer, and am not even studying to do such. So blame your user base all you want.

Oh, I didn’t use the exact wording from the website…

The words, “This version is slightly older but more stable and has been tested longer.” were on the website for years. That is what I always used. That is now gone, causing everyone to use the latest and greatest.

BTW, I contacted your company CollaboraOffice and requested a quote for a single user, and was never given a way to pay.

So I will go back to my work, and pretend like this discussion never took place. I have solved my issue by stepping back to 7, so you don’t have to worry about it. Apparently only I, out of millions of users, was the only one experiencing it anyway.

… to re-appear in August, as said.

Tell that to people who filed e.g. tdf#158112, which was fixed exactly because they filed it.

Great! Can you please create a sample document from the template. You can write dt then press F3 to create some dummy text.

I can have a look and see what is happening.
Cheers, Al