How can I see the full contents of the AutoCorrect "replacement table"?

When editing a cell in a Calc sheet, I entered “1/2”, expecting it to expand to a date (2025-01-02).

However, what I got instead was a text cell with the character ½. I guessed that this was a result of autocorrect, and I found a way to prevent it from happening - from the “Tools >> AutoCorrect Options” dialog, I went to the “Options” tab and unchecked “Use replacement table”.

My next thought was that instead of entirely disabling the replacement table, it would be nice just to remove the mapping of “1/2” to “½” in that table. So I went to the “Replace” tab of the dialog, which should allow you to add and remove table entries - but there appeared to be no existing entries!

Am I looking in the wrong place to edit the table? How can I get to this mapping of “1/2” to “½” and delete it?

Background information from other questions on the forum:

  1. There’s a previous issue where the answerer suggests removing the entries for “1/2” and “1/4” from the replacement table. But that didn’t help, because I can’t see how to actually perform that removal.

  2. Another issue seems closer to what I’m experiencing (a couple of people say that “autocorrection is performed no matter what’s in the replacement table”, but it’s from 7 years ago and no clear answer was given about the behaviour they’re describing).

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The “problem” was that the dialog defaults to the language of my default locale [English (Canada)]. But my cells had their language set to English (UK). In the AutoCorrect dialog in the screenshot, when I changed the language in the dropdown to English (UK), I saw the table entries, removed the undesired ones, and now it works like I wanted it to.

Sorry to take up the time of anyone who read this!

I think, that your problem is not in the items in the AutoCorrect lists. If you want, that 1/2 is handled as date, then make sure that this pattern is listed in field ‘Date acceptance patterns’ in Tools > Options > Languages and Locals > General. The date pattern has priority over the auto correction.

In case you nevertheless want to see the complete autocorrect lists:
Use menu Tools > Options > LibreOffice > Paths > AutoCorrect to see were the autocorr folders are located. The content in these folders are language specific *.dat files. Such .dat file is actually a zip-archive. You can go into it, e.g. with 7-Zip, and display/edit the contained .xml files.

The list of autocorrect items is empty in you screenshot. That means, that lists for ‘English (Canada)’ do not exist. I don’t knew whether the lists for ‘English (USA)’ are then used as ersatz.

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Thank you! I’d already added M/D as a date acceptance pattern. I guess if I had not done that, then 1/2 would not have been accepted as a date even when I unchecked “Use replacement table”.

Are you sure that the date pattern has priority over the auto correction though? If that’s so, then I don’t know how to explain the behaviour that I initially saw.

I think the problem was that, although my locale is English (Canada), the cells in the spreadsheet had their language set to English (UK). So the replacement table for English (UK) was being used. I looked at that table, found and removed the entry for “1/2” and now it works like I wanted to.