If it makes a difference I am on Libreoffice on 64bit windows 7.
This is a little more complicated.
Thoughts and workaround appreciated.
I have a novel with parts Header 1 and chapters header2.
In principle I should be able to define several page styles and set the headers for each style. Simple right?
- Book part with next style book part
no problem — when I define a new part I
set Header 1 to the part name and
page style appropriately and
suppress header
2 Chapter goes to chapter
no problem – when I define
a new chapter I set Header 2 to the
chapter title and set page style and
insert Chapter title field to header 2
Problem occurs when I try to add a page style to suppress the header of 1st page of chapter.
The pattern would say. Set page style without header and next style as Chapter.
1st page style with chapter as next style
kill header
Change page style on first page of chapter.
If necessary reset second page to chapter style.
Only this only works for the very first chapter in the document. No other change will work correctly. Not only that but somethings the system starts overriding all headers and styles in the document.
Uploaded file is the document for an entirely new document with manually entered data. and the paste multiple chapters file
Thanks in advance. Maurice