How do I connect to local firebird 3 server from Libreoffice 6.2

I installed firebird-3.0 and Libreoffice 6.2
I want to connect libreoffice to external firebird database.

On the database wizard
-Select Database Step: on the Connect to an existing database dropdown menu I picked Firebird File → Next

  • On the Connection settings it asks for Datasource URL (e.g. host=$host:$port dbname=$database)
    I know that I can connect with isql tool to my example database with

isql examples -u sysdba -p masterkey

or by using the full path

isql ‘localhost:c:\db\examples.fdb’ -u sysdba -p masterkey

And work from the Command Prompt.

But I’d like to use Base for the rest.
How can I do that?

The interface to ask for user and password is not implemented yet :

You will need to use JDBC or ODBC for now.

That bug 85148 was last commented on 2018-01-03. This bug 115547 says Win10 works on 2018-02-16

Can Win10 work without JDBC?
(How access Firebird employee db via JDBC?)


Best current method to connect to a Firebird server is using JDBC. For the driver → Jaybird 3.0. ODBC can be very problematic.

Consider installing FlameRobin for a GUI interface → Third-party Tools & Drivers

Also, future questions should include your OS and the specific LO version as well as the DB you are dealing with.