To work with the current selection, you can use the method .getCurrentSelection()
oCurrentSelection = ThisComponent.getCurrentSelection()
However, there is a slight difficulty. A method can return a single cell, a range of cells, or several ranges of cells. Additional analysis and branching of the algorithm will be required for different cases.
If you are only interested in the active cell (the one that is surrounded by a black frame), then you can use the following function:
Function ActiveCell(Optional iSheet As Long, Optional oDoc As Variant) As Variant
Dim arrayOfString()
Dim lRow&, lColumn&
Dim tmpString$
Dim oCurrentController
Dim oSheets As Variant
Dim oSheet As Variant
ActiveCell = Nothing
On Error GOTO unknownErr
If IsMissing(oDoc) Then oDoc = ThisComponent
If NOT oDoc.SupportsService("") Then Exit Function
oCurrentController = oDoc.getCurrentController()
If IsNull(oCurrentController) Or IsEmpty(oCurrentController) Then Exit Function
If IsMissing(iSheet) Then
oSheet = oCurrentController.getActiveSheet()
iSheet = oSheet.getRangeAddress().Sheet
If (iSheet < 0) Then Exit Function
oSheets = oDoc.getSheets()
If (iSheet >= oSheets.getCount()) Then Exit Function
oSheet = oSheets.getByIndex(iSheet)
tmpString = oCurrentController.getViewData()
arrayOfString() = Split(tmpString, ";")
If UBound(arrayOfString) < (3 + iSheet) Then Exit Function
tmpString = arrayOfString(3 + iSheet)
If InStr(tmpString,"+") > 0 Then
arrayOfString() = Split(tmpString, "+")
arrayOfString() = Split(tmpString, "/")
lColumn = CLng(arrayOfString(0))
lRow = CLng(arrayOfString(1))
On Error GOTO 0
ActiveCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(lColumn, lRow)
End Function
Example of use:
oCell = ActiveCell()
sText = oCell.getString()
oCell.setString("Old value " & sText)