How do I copy and paste the formulas from multiple cells at the same time?

I have a spreadsheet with 13 pages and I want all the individual formulas from sheet 2 (labeled “Jan”) cells C42:C51 to be copied to the same sells in 11 other sheets, is there a shortcut for this? I’ve tried copying and pasting the formulas but it always changes them and screws me up.

This is the formula I have in Jan.C41 =IF(StartHere.J72=0,"",StartHere.J72), Jan C42 has the same formula but it’s referencing StartHere.J73, and so on and so forth. If I highlight Jan.C42:C51 and click copy then highlight and paste only the formulas into the next sheet, Feb.C42:51, I changes all the formulas to =IF(#REF!.J72=0,"",#REF!.J72) for C42, =IF(#REF!.J73=0,"",#REF!.J73) for C43 and so on. What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to do this without manually entering the formula into each cell in each sheet?


In formula =IF(StartHere.J72=0,"",StartHere.J72) the sheet name is relative references. If the sheet StartHere is for example in the last position in the spreadsheet, Calc adapts the formula trying to find a sheet located immediately after the sheet StartHere.

Solution: use absolute reference for the sheet name: =IF($StartHere.J72=0;"";$StartHere.J72)


Concerning the related question how to replace relative sheet addresses by absolute ones (or vice versa) you may refer to my answer in this thread.

(In addition an unsolicited advice:)
Do not split equally structured data into different sheets. To filter by date or to restrict sums by conditions is easy. To evaluate a report across multiple sheets is complicated. To maintain such Calc documents is complicated even more. To implement enhancements for such a group of spreadsheets may soon become a nightmare.